2021 BINGO - A choose-your-own-goals challenge

Because it’s easy to schedule “spend twenty minutes today working on a long-term project,” and hard to schedule “spend eight hours this weekend completing a one-off task”?


… yes and I hadn’t even thought of it that way.


I haven’t posted any progress yet, in part because there was only limited progress to report in January and February. I doubt anything is going to change between now and April 1, so I’ll post now.


Colors represent months
Dark blue January (panang curry)
Light blue February
Light green March

I’m not fully vaccinated (that will happen next month) but I’m claiming the square now. I don’t plan to claim a bingo until I’m through the vaccination process.

Close one Bank account Read 12 books Get Vaccine 1000 hours outside Crochet blanket for Sofa
Pay off 1 of 5 Student Loans 120 No Spend Days Total Yearly spend under $30k Get haircut and color (maybe purplish) Run a Half-Marathon
Close all unused Credit Card accounts, keep only 1 Complete Productivity Bootcamp program FREE 30 day split challenge Purge 25% of belongings
Put up Curtains in Living Room Pay 2 of 5 Student Loans Hike 1 of the “4K footers” Take 4 classes and get B or better Sell/Get rid of Dining Room set
Take Puglet on a full day bike ride on a Bike Trail Complete BoHo beautiful transform program Sell/Get rid of Bedroom set Make Bagels from Sratch Donate Blood

5 knocked off so far.

I’ve been throwing all my dollars at my student loans. :money_with_wings:
Got my hair did :haircut_woman:

Hoping to cross off more soon probably the “Get Vaccine” and “Full day bike ride” in this next month.


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Excessive amount of detail

12 witchy nonfiction books: Goal 25% \ Actual 25% - on track
12 books by BIPOC authors: Goal 25% \ Actual 33.33% - ahead
6 books by queer authors: Goal 16.66% \ Actual 83.33% - ahead (this is easier than I anticipated–I guess I just love me some queer books)
6 indie published books: Goal 16.66% \ Actual 16.66% - on track
15 walks/hikes in the park: Goal 20% - Actual 13.33% - behind
Write 12 letters to elected officials: Goal 25% \ Actual 16.66% - behind
Tarot card and/or Womanrune for each month: Goal 25% \ Actual 25% - on track
Fully color 3 coloring pages: Goal 0% \ Actual 0% - on track
Add 3 more stretches: Goal 0% \ Actual 33.33% - ahead
Finish 3 knitting WIPs: Goal 0% \ Actual 0% - on track
Prepare big boy bed - Goal 53.33% \ Actual 40% - behind

@diapasoun You asked a while back about my witchy book goal and I remembered another reason for it. I listen to quite a few witchy podcasts and I love them. However, I don’t retain very much information via audio. More books mean more I can actually remember and put into practice!




Nothing new complete for March, but a little bit of progress in a couple areas.


Well, there was obviously a reason why I always delayed an update.
The three red marked goals are already busted. Goal is now to mitigate them to at least some orange/greenish colour over the next month. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

with the other ones I am on track, reading is always up and down. :grin:

detailed book list

Tom Zoellner, The national Road
Cathy Erway, The Art of Eating in
Kate Russo, Super Host
Out of Hounds, Rita Mae Brown
Grounded, Jon Tester

Reading / Listening
Barack Obama, A promised Land (Audiobook)
Adam Grant, Think Again (Audiobook)
TE Kinsey, The fatal flying affair (Audiobook)
Anne Fleck, Energy


I am getting a check today that will put my efund at $10k. My goal is definitely going to be getting as many squares as I can; not stopping now!

Edited because I accidentally colored in the wrong square…







Do you want one of the prizes?

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Got another square! I feel very far behind


I am totes behind, so don’t feel alone!


A little more progress last month:


Tracking other stuff too, but misc goals:

165 hours/1000. Obviously won’t make that but my secret goal was 500, and we’re pretty on track for that with warm weather.
10/21 books read.


Not much added since last month.

Excessive amount of detail

12 witchy nonfiction books: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
12 books by BIPOC authors: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 50% - ahead
6 books by queer authors: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 83.33% - ahead
6 indie published books: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
15 walks/hikes in the park: Goal 33.33% - Actual 20% - behind
Write 12 letters to elected officials: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
Tarot card and/or Womanrune for each month: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
Fully color 3 coloring pages: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 0% - behind
Add 3 more stretches: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
Finish 3 knitting WIPs: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 0% - behind
Prepare big boy bed - Goal 66.66% \ Actual 46.66% - behind


I actually finished a knitting WIP a few hours after posting that, so I guess I’m back on track now :laughing:


Happy with my progress so far:


I completed several items in May–no bingo yet, though!

Also, note that I changed my coloring page goal to an embroidery project goal. They pretty much occupy the same mental niche for me, but I’m enjoying embroidery more.

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Excessive amount of detail

12 witchy nonfiction books: Goal 41.66% \ Actual 41.66% - on track
12 books by BIPOC authors: Goal 41.66% \ Actual 50% - ahead
6 books by queer authors: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 83.33% - ahead
6 indie published books: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 50% - ahead
15 walks/hikes in the park: Goal 41.66% - Actual 33.33% - behind
Write 12 letters to elected officials: Goal 41.66% \ Actual 33.33% - behind
Tarot card and/or Womanrune for each month: Goal 41.66% \ Actual 41.66% - on track
Complete 3 embroidery projects: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 0% - behind
Add 3 more stretches: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 100% - ahead/complete
Finish 3 knitting WIPs: Goal 33.33% \ Actual 33.33% - on track
Prepare big boy bed - Goal 80% \ Actual 46.66% - behind