Your Very Own Personal Shopper

Whoops they all fell to the ground and shattered


Birthday or Christmas 2023 wish list. Valentine’s 2023 if I am desperate. I think I can reorganize my kitchen. I want to punt my MIL’s dishes out of my kitchen. 20 more years.


I will do it this weekend. Book me a flight.


Thanks everyone! Sounds like I need to buy some Corelle :slightly_smiling_face:


There is certainly some massive love for Corelle around these here parts. :joy::+1:

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I didn’t WANT to love Corelle, lol. It was what my mom had and I wanted to be different! But then my stoneware dishes all had chips or cracks within 4 years and I gave up and decided that, yet again, my mom was right :sweat_smile:


I recently learned that vintage Corelle with patterns may contain lead in the paint. (So did vintage gasoline and life in general, fwiw)

Corelle’s official statement says everything made after 2005 is fully lead-safe. So particularly if you have young, developing brains in the house, it’s probably worth either buying new or recently made / nonpainted Corelle.


Seeking a shower chair. Ideally with a back, easy to clean, and collapsible. Armrests optional. Hoping to spend less than $100 but becoming frustrated.

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My recommendation is to look at outdoor folding chairs.


Ohh that’s a good idea. I wonder if they would fit well. I could probably put grippy feet on them all they don’t slide.


Came here to say this. After my hip surgery I tried a few different “shower chairs” and they were all terrible and ended up with a $30 outdoor chair that was SO much better

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Yep especially for the folding requirement. I mean I had like 2 options to pick between for a proper shower chair, and we went with it because our tiles are stupid slippery so the grippiness was a high concern.

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Yup. They make silicone grips for the feet. Shower chairs are always hideous monstrosities. Avoid whenever possible.


SERIOUSLY. I have one and I hate it.


I moved my resin armchair into the shower post hand surgery last year.


Ooo that’s cute!

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OK, I’m looking for appropriate games and puzzles for a dexterous 3 year old.

Any other recommendations for cooperative preschool games?

Or puzzles, we have very few puzzles and they are all from Buy Nothing or from the streets around us and have pieces missing. I need to buy those puzzle bags, hah!

Buying in line with personal values

My sister in law recommended games by Peaceable Kingdom.

They look cooperative, which is great, but I can’t find much information on the company. With a name that includes “Kingdom” I don’t want to support a company that is anti LGBTQIA+ or anti women’s rights. But I can’t tell if that is the case or not based off of my Googling.

ETA: It looks like it was named after their family farm and that the owners are Christian, but I’m not seeing anything that is overtly against my own personal values.


Oooh oooh I gotcha on games:

Slightly more advanced;
Guess in 10 junior
Snug as a bug in a rug
Stone soup
Friends and neighbors
Bird bingo
Bug bingo

Slightly less advanced:
Orchard toys shopping list game
Skilatics found it
Think fun roll and play
Smart games bunny peek a boo
HABA first orchard


For puzzles, the Melissa and Doug wood 4 in a box, cube puzzle, and M&D floor puzzles are all good options.

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Ooh that’s great!

The guy that started that company is the illustrator of Goodnight Moon. And the company has been around a long time.