So, I just pitched my mopping choices on the unfucking thread: The Unf*ck It Thread - #1146 by galliver
Disclaimer: everyone’s pain points are different. I hated going over floors 2x to sweep or vac then mop, and mopping IME does not pick up hair, fluff, and crunchies. I would go fully auto like Anne B but we leave too much crud out to have something running around. And I don’t trust it.
So I splurged on the wet-dry vac and honestly no regrets. It does have cons (it’s loud, drying parts sit out for days before someone is arsed to reassemble it… also it leaves water streaks but idgaf, it’s clean! er. Than before. ), but it does do the 1-pass cleaning I wanted, and I don’t mind running it as often as a vacuum (ideally weekly, optimistically 2 weeks, realistically at least monthly ) I also have a flat HW mop from a prior apartment (never used here) and a swiffer for the stairs and kitchen and spot cleans.
If this didn’t exist I’d probably try an cedar spin mop (maybe it picks up the crunchies? With its fluffy tentacles?) and a steam mop…
I was going to give a quick response and here I am monologuing again. Sorry!