Your Favorite Non-Money Things to Negotiate for (Job Offer or Raise)

Time sensitive question here: I’m negotiating the terms of my employment. I’ve been encouraged to be creative about non-money things to ask for (within reason).

What would you ask for? What have you asked for or heard of people asking for (successfully) before? What would you ask for if it was for me (and you know anything about me)?

Assume I’ve been a working professional and have also read basic listicles on this, so I already know about things like PTO or remote work. :rofl:



Things that cost the organization extra $ (buying things for me, paying for things, etc.) - esp when there is no tax-advantaged or discount way to do it - are basically the same as “money.”


I dont know if its something you are interested in, but working on public holidays on using those days off on another day that better suits you?


I heard recently about someone who has a stipend for one non-fiction book/month and up to 3 sporting even tickets/year.

A sabbatical? (One company I worked with had a paid 4 week sabbatical after 5 years or an 8 week sabbatic after 10 years)

Professional development budget or tuition reimbursement?

Using up to 8hr a week for other consulting arrangements?


A great parking spot

An office with lots of light


1 day a month paid for you to volunteer somewhere you like.


If work from home is a thing, a stipend or something for WFH gear (desk, fancy chair, good quality headphones, etc.) I get a tech reimbursement at my work, not the full amount but I think like 20%?


annual amount for courses & conferences (with travel/hotel/food covered and topics intentionally broad)
cell phone, home internet service
gym membership reimbursement


This made me laugh more than it should have. While a great idea, the chances of FFF staying in the job for 5+ years is <10%.


Things that you may normally have to fight for at work, like software subscriptions, computer upgrades/specs (along the lines of books and conferences above).

Flex time if it’s not standard (whether that’s within a week or weke to week or banked)


annual/semi-annual travel to relevant locations business class
relevant location could be other office in area of the world you’d like to visit some more, an important vendor, etc. (I still regret not doing that training in Bangalore)

all business travel over 1h in business class


Thanks for suggestions! Keep them coming.

Also - please see edited note (things that the org has to pay for = money).

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training in topics you are interested in
access to certain people in the org or programs therein (e.g. my last job you could get into special programs around rotations, high potential training & additional access to executives, cross team socializing or special projects)
time to work on pet projects/initiatives (20% time)


Very true. I am far more likely to negotiate for “Immediately, I don’t work for 4 weeks and you don’t pay me, but also no one bothers me and no one creates dumpster fires I have to dig out of.” I would if there was any chance they could guarantee it. :rofl:


Depending on your level, I once asked for and got a monthly stipend to take a junior employee for lunch for a mentorship meeting.


Ah ok! NVM then :slight_smile: (There’s no way I would have made it that long either, it used to only be the longer sabbatical after more time but they had research showing people who stayed for 5 years tended to stay for much longer so they added some incentive to get to the 5 year mark)


We actually do have an “askamanager” level parking spot situation at work with another tenant on the same property. :joy:


I keep thinking about this and the only thing I can think of that I’d want from an org come down to money, aside from WFH, flexible scheduling, maybe reduced hours.


I have a very flexible work schedule in that I show up and leave when I want during daytime hours. As long as I make all my meetings and get all my stuff done I have a lot of autonomy. And yes, sometimes I tell people their proposed meeting time doesn’t work for me.

I get lieu time if a big deadline means I’m working extra.

I don’t do any work stuff when I’m not working. No monitoring, no non-emergency e-mails or texts. When I’m not working I’m not working, the end.


I don’t know what your proposed job is, but if relevant, any equipment or product they cast off or reject that may be of use to you.


Flex time would be my big one or negotiatibg no meetings at the beginning or end of my days. I absolutely hate having to join a meeting as soon as my workday begins.

An office with a door that closes is fantastic. Guaranteed week off at the end of the year. Being able to control my own temperature/lighting.