Who do you want on the dem ticket as VP?

My MIL basically admitted today that my FIL is voting for Trump because he won’t vote for a woman. Good thing the old grumpy Taiwanese American guy vote is not concentrated in swing states I guess


I fully expected that to be a thing. And if Harris had chosen a woman or a gay man as her VP, I also think many people would not have voted for her. One woman? maybe. Two women? Hell no. I like what little I know about Walz but I do feel that she had to choose the least risky partner to have a chance. Man do I hope she wins.


I’m a fan of Mark Kelly, but I was neutral to accepting of the Walz pick. Right up until I learned of his DUI in 1995.

Voting Dem is already far more of a vote against red instead of a vote for blue for me personally. I went Green Party in 2020, but I was voting in a very blue area. I’m now registered in a very red area, and I was resigned for voting for Biden in order to save what I view to be America.

After Walz I’m seriously considering another 3rd party vote. I realize Walz has ‘reformed,’ but he still did the deed. I’m not sure that ever falls away. At least not for me.


I mean, I did some stupid shit thirty years ago.


I feel like third party voting would weaken the dems chances of winning. Let’s be honest, it’s either gonna be Kamala or Trump and I’d much rather it be Kamala.

People make mistakes and honestly, if one DUI 30 years ago is the worst thing Walz did then I have no problem voting for him. Every politician has something ‘wrong’ they’ve done. Which wrongs are you willing to stomach, and is the alternative worse?

American politics is a shitshow at best, and every time you vote, 9 times out of 10 you’re probably voting for ‘the shiniest of two turds’ (thanks ERB). Which turd smells worse? Walz and his DUI or Trump/Vance and the destruction of all civil rights progress we’ve made over the last 50 years for those who aren’t white heterosexual males?

I’m not saying you shouldn’t follow your principles when you vote. If you don’t wanna vote for Walz due to a DUI then don’t. But I don’t think voting for a third party is gonna do any good, except the knowledge that you didn’t compromise your own principles.


what? this seems daft to me. not you, but this decision. after this DUI, he stopped drinking entirely! what more do you want?


Oh yeah, I fully realize the DUI is my personal bugaboo, and that America has no current hope of a viable 3rd party.

The thing is…

I’m a bunch of demographics. I’m a woman, and I care very deeply reproductive rights. I’m gay, and I care very deeply about trans genocide. I work for DHS, and I care very deeply about fair and humane immigration policies. I’m a commissioned officer, and I care very deeply about the integrity of the Constitution, and the political process. I owe some loyalty to that.

I’m also me, Reed, and my 18 year old brother was killed by a drunk driver. His aorta dissected. I aspirated his blood into my lungs. I’m 26 years older than my strong, tall, vibrant brother. I feel deep loyalty to that, too.

I truly am conflicted. I just cannot seem to get “do it if for your countrymen” to work this time.


And that’s perfectly valid. I’m sorry you lost your brother like that.


Voting in line with your principles is never wrong. Like if you’re a bigot, your principles are wrong but your vote represents them. And in this case you will decide the best vote for your principles.


that is horrible and i’m really sorry to hear it.

i hope you can get to a decision that feels right.


One path is a donor advised fund, and make anonymous donations to campaign-adjacent 501c3s like Run for Something’s education fund or election integrity nonprofits.

I apparently care enough about individual campaigns (especially local & state) that I can’t bring myself to do this exclusively, but it is a useful option to reduce spam.


(It’s good to see you, PAWG.)


Oh ergh, is that a hug? There’s no hugging in baseball! But yeah, okay, same, thanks.


Oh, no, that was intended as an aside from the main conversation. I would send you a stoic nod with some eye twinkling, not a hug.


I accept this compromise.





JD Vance’s plan to lower childcare costs: have grandma and grandpa ‘help a little bit more’ (msn.com)

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There was another one where he said to reach out to aunts and uncles as well. I thought us childless folks were useless, what now, JD???


Yep! But basically just reach out to anyone who will do it for free!