Who do you want on the dem ticket as VP?

The Bernie Bros aren’t really important for the general election. They were only important for the primaries and they are not going to be at the convention.


Agreed. I was suspicious of him, still kinda am because he’s a Pritzker and their wealth is obscene - but he’s done a lot of good.

Oh thank god I suddenly thought everyone was saying ben Shapiro lololol


Mm. They did not do Hillary any favors in 2016’s general election. I think that matter a lot.
I’m hearing a LOT of moaning about Harris’ background as a prosecutor.

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Will she wait until the convention to announce her VP? Is that the normal way?

There is nothing normal about this so who knows! Technically she doesn’t have the nomination until the convention so probably not early

@Cranky the Bernie bros made my life really awful (even though I was fine with their candidate) in 2016 but I don’t think they’re an organized voting bloc at all. They care more about independents and centrists than way left wing (also a lot of the Bernie bros have stopped being politically engaged entirely or have gone over to trumpism)


I had no idea this was a thing within their group

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Yea it’s that circle where of either side of the fringe is closer to one another than to the center

ETA the technical term is sanders-trump voters but I am thinking explicitly about the young male Bernie supporters


Shapiro is good on bodily autonomy, but otherwise is centrist in a way that IMO would snuffle the Kamala momentum and vibes. He’s generally a “good government” guy but recently failed to fund transit and is strongly pro-Israel.

I’ve been impressed with a few clips I’ve seen from Breshear.

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I keep forgetting the name of the terrible media Shapiro and thinking of Ari Shapiro (great) and Julie Shapiro (from radiotopia podcasts, also great) and then getting very confused.

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Oh yeah. Rich and a politician? 2 strikes. lol

He just announced he isn’t going to run against her so that’s good. But I do think he will run for pres in the future

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Ha. I like him already.


I hadn’t seen this part, thanks. All the App Studies circles are too busy reposting another of Beshear’s lines “Let me tell you, JD Vance ain’t from here.”



Thing is we don’t want to lose a Dem governor in a pretty red-leaning state.

I mean Washington enslaved people and committed genocide against Indigenous peoples, and the Democrats are also committing genocide, so.


Ok, so real talk though. Do you actually think in the way the political system is set up in this country, there is a viable option that other than democrats that will do anything good for the betterment of society and the world?

Democrats are genociders is your rallying cry?

Because I don’t really get your point here. This sort of shit is what drives people to say both parties are the same and that sort of cynicism depresses voter turnout which we know ends up hurting the very people you claim to be in such support of. You really think Donald “Let Them Finish the Job” Trump is going to give a rats flea bitten ass about the suffering of the Palestinian people??

Sorry, I guess I’m just one of the those genocidal democrats who believes in making change that is actually possible instead of just shouting constantly in a one track loop about how I feel personally let down that a political party of a nother country hasn’t solved a millennias long conflict half way around the damn world.


Unburdened by What Has Been, Bernie Bros Join the KHive (msn.com)

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Obviously not Dem, but I thought it was interesting anyway.

JD Vance Is the Least Liked VP Nominee in Decades, According to Polls (msn.com)


Trump had better hire a food taster because Vance is an incredibly ambitious man.


I don’t know how much of this is going to be incomprehensible due to region, but I’ve never read anything as funny as these burns on JD Vance from Appalachians. If you get the main post, you’ve got to read the comments, because they get even better.