WOW! Thats so exciting and awesome!
Tax return filed! Getting more refund than I’d prefer, but that’s a total first-world problem.
I got both of my tax refunds today. That was fast!
Howie’s dad got a page-a-day “Dad Jokes” calendar for Christmas. I mentioned how much I enjoy a good pun and/or dad joke. Yesterday I got an envelope in the mail from him - he saved all of January’s jokes and sent them to me.
I also got a sweet Galentine’s Day note from my aerial instructor with some fun unicorn stickers.
It was a really good mail day!
Related (also why can I only remember two of them?):
What do you call a pig that lost its voice?
Of all of the inventions of the last 100 years, I think the dry erase board is the most remarkable
I didn’t have the frozen peppers and onions I expected to use for dinner. BUT! I have jalapeño lime sauerkraut and it worked super well. Yum.
Oh my god. I just realized I live super close to somewhere I can easily and fairly cheaply get a dairy and soy take out pizza very excited. On the menu for next week already lol.
The Kirkland Dayquil has a sort of orange tic tac flavored coating?
They also have the easiest to read allergen declaration page I’ve ever seen, and every ingredient is on there. No weird outdated pdf you have to download or broken order screen with half the info.
the TD eseries MERs dropped again, so it isn’t so bad that we still haven’t flipped everything to vanguard. Thank you all the strangers who I presume did enough outflows that TD was forced to react, saving us over $700/year.
I joined the Y and worked out! Plus I walked here. I’m a fitness champion.
Reasonably productive day thus far…taxes done*, dug up and dropped off the last Comcast equipment I had so I’m finally free of them (still no idea why they insisted before that I had to keep it even though I wasn’t paying for or using it, but whatever), dropped off a vest for return that wasn’t the one I ordered, and picked up the necessary vegetables for pot pie.
*Technically done, but the numbers for one of the brokerages don’t add up so I’m not going to submit just yet since I’m pretty sure there’ll be an amended form coming shortly.
We made our transfer in Chicago by seconds heading west last week, and we made our transfer in Charlotte by minutes coming home yesterday.
Tried on my thrifted items for Thailand. Two skirts and a pair of very light (like you can see dark undies—maybe too thin lol) pants fit, and the dress did not, which is probably for the best bc it was definitely polyester.
Started feeling better today. I have hope I will be mostly well by Friday night’s flight
I took both kids solo and met up with a friend and her kid for a 2 mile hike. Baby wore the whole time, Latte walked the whole time with minimal complaints, and no one had any breakdowns of any type
(Bedtime right now is a different story lol, but I’ll take my win!) (oh JK husband is having her pretend to be Thomas the Train and follow him through the train yard, crisis averted. Double win!)
Low battery alarm started on our co2 detector. I was already awake and so it didn’t keep going and wake the whole house up. Chirp chirp chirp. It can serenade the birds out back for a while until I can go get batteries (I did wrap it in a towel to muffle it, lol)