Tiny Victories

That’s huge!


I got a gallon of milk and 3 avocados for $2


I found a couple cool YouTube channels/subjects/genres. This is good since I spend a lot of time watching YouTube right now as I take care of the baby. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m running low on content, but this is a good new influx.


This is not tiny.

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What kinds of stuff do you enjoy watching? I am a person who watches too much YouTube.

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This latest round is video essays of different Harry potters characters and houses, and a couple new channels for a guy I already watch- this time Biographics of different people and places. I really like stuff like SciShow, today I learned, DW documentaries, The Take, stuff like that. Basically I like learning stuff :slight_smile:

ETA I also like some personalities like the ladylike channel, pero like, safiya, and some of the try guys stuff. Easy watching. But I hate makeup and nail tutorials :joy: that seems to be about half of YouTube right now.


I really like Philosophy Tube for stuff like that.

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I will look it up!

I like Lindsay Ellis’s stuff, she does video essays as a media critic. Not documentary stuff but it had me thinking of [whatever the topic du jure was] in a different way. Also she does ridiculous stuff like having a series of videos about Film Studies Through A Lens of Transformers. As in the movies. Yes those Transformers movies.

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I just watched her piece on musicals this morning!

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I didn’t want to go to my swimming class tonight (#1 of the new set), and I went anyway. As usual, I was glad I did. As a bonus, I like what we’re doing in this class better than last one, so it was actually better than expected.


According to my spreadsheet I have 10 IRL female friends who live close enough or can make travel happen enough that I see them at least once or twice a year without outside circumstances forcing it. Despite almost all of these people (and me) having uncomfortable feelings about showers, I think most of them will come to mine, and I would go to theirs. I feel good about this. (And I think that I was avoiding finishing the spreadsheet due to discomfort with what I might find).


I messaged an old manager from a job I had in 2013 for a reference. I am terrible at asking people for references, especially previous managers…I feel like I am asking for a huge favor, but he was happy to do it!


My electric heater works again!! It was acting mostly dead (light came on, but buttons did nothing) once I got back from winter break, so I unplugged it with the intention of taking it home to tinker with it. Decided to plug it in on a whim today and it worked again! I no longer have to wear my coat at my desk!!!


This work has the yoga ball. Also a long walk to the desk with my shitty hip, but I threw out the nerve compressing stool and stole a yoga ball. Hope the physios aren’t planning to treat anyone who needs a blue ball any Wednesday from now till the end


I successfully resisted making a blue ball joke!


Elizabeth Warren’s new pitch:

“Elect me and you get 8 more years of Kate MacKinnon on SNL!”

I was team Warren before and now you are too.


I was team Kamala before but she dropped out, so OK.


I’m doing better recently at particular self-care goals (exercise and eating lots of veggies) and it makes me happy.


Good for you!

It feels huge for you but for them it’s part of their normal job duties (even if it’s not something they do every day).