Tiny Complaints

my three days home alone turned into three days of Mom & J1.

(not that I don’t like the kid, but I was really looking forward to having the house to myself)


I’m sorry. Last month I had a day off from work and my child came home from school a whole two hours early and I was not happy about it. I’d be even less excited about losing three whole days by myself.


IDK if this is even a complaint it’s just a “that’s life” and I might delete but I was asked to do some cooking stuff for a disability group, by a woman (not disabled) who I met at a party. The host of the party was disabled (amputee, so v obvious) and when she asked where we met we both told her how we met paraclimbing. I also mentioned that I found the paraclimbing group after doing paracycling. AND mentioned that my friend climbs at a much higher level than I do.

She (a pro pastry chef) tasted my food and asked if I could do something for this disability group since I understood food and disability. I was like heck yes. How lovely to be just, accepted, and even looked at as someone with expertise! Not questioned, or dehumanized one little bit, amazing!

So she just copied me on the email to introduce me to the person in charge. She said I was a CHEF (I’m not, just a home cook) and that I have experience “working with and cooking for” people with disabilities.

I guess she thought I met my friend as a volunteer and that my role was helping her. It’s so weird to occupy this space where some people notice my physical differences immediately and loudly point them out and ask questions and others don’t pick up on it/believe it even when I’m literally telling them. I thought she was just being respectful by accepting that I have a disability without feeling entitled to “the story” :laughing:

So that was an awkward response email, lol. Like bad news I’m not a chef, good news I not only know disabled people, I AM ONE. Haha, big reveal!


Nah, that’s a legit complaint. If I don’t have a specific blurb about someone already I’d be inclined to run what I have past them before introducing them to a group if it’s someone I met once and only briefly.


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Hi! None of that is accurate and your person makes weird and bad assumptions. If you still want my participation maybe do some self-reflection.
Love, A Badass Disabled Home Cook


That’s good to know @meerkat :laughing: seems like a much better approach!

LOL, ILU @Smacky


squints yeaaah that is… Did the paraclimbing not clue her in? Apparently not. I hope she becomes moderately embarrassed and learns to check herself first!


Yeah, that’s nice and WTF…like, I could see an introduction being potentially timing-sensitive (or, in my case, ‘I have ABC’s email and need to introduce them to XYZ before I forget/lose it’), but even then I’m not sure why you’d do more than state how and where you met the person and why you’re connecting them without adding random background assumptions. “We didn’t have a lot of time to chat, but I wanted to get you each other’s contact information so you can introduce yourselves properly” is pretty straightforward.

And why I’m on the TC thread…the mansplainer at work is mansplaining some work very incorrectly. If someone is going to be a condescending ass, is it too much to ask for them to be an accurate condescending ass?


Trying to sleep in a very cold room. I brought my best socks but I don’t know if it’ll be enough


Made coffee. Poured cream in. It came out in chunks. EW. Had to toss the whole thing.


one of my ongoing mentees is in Kenya. We had a call scheduled for 6am today (because I’m en route home, usually this would be 9am and fine for me).

I set my alarm for 540, woke up, got coffee, sat down at computer, and he has pushed it back 3 hours.


Stupid yoga stupid health


I am so awkward sometimes in new settings where I don’t know what to do or say, especially at clinic because it’s all still so new to me. I got to be a physician helper (scribe) for the first time at clinic today, and was making small talk with the Dr before our first patient. He was asking me what kind of experiences I had, and asked me if I’d ever done a urinalysis before…I was like…well yeah ofc, and he was like…at home? And I was like, well no only if my Dr ordered it as a lab test…and he was like…I wasn’t asking about your personal history, I was asking about if you’ve administered the test. :upside_down_face: :joy: :sob: like of course if I had taken a second to think about what he was asking me, maybe I could have answered like a rational human. Luckily I am good at laughing at myself and we got past it quickly but seriously…working from home has done me no social favors :joy:


Your story reminds me of the time I had a cyst removed from my scalp, and there was a blue stitch in my hair and I asked if my colleagues could see it. The doctor’s assistant thought I wanted to take the cyst to work to show everyone :joy:

I still laugh about it!


Ingrown hair


WTF Alliance Rx Walgreens Prime. I started my refill online, then they said I had to call to complete my order, then I called the number and they said it was the Arizona number and they switched me to Oregon, I was on hold a while, then the woman asked me a bunch of questions, and then switched me to a pharmacist who asked me the same questions. I was almost late to a virtual funeral.

It’s supposed to be scheduled to ship today, but then I just missed a call and the woman was like “I see there’s a new credit card but I’m hesitant to put this huge charge on there” and now I’m on hold and pissed. All I want is this order to ship as I had scheduled.


So it’s not shipping out today. Once the order was processed it was ~$40 more and the lady I’m talking to can’t tell me why and the billing department is closed. They’re supposed to call me tomorrow and I hope it’s when I can pick up the phone so that I don’t have to be on hold again.


But… apparently it did?? Did the order get forwarded to the fulfillment department to ship out in time? I just got a FedEx tracking number.

Edit: nope, it was there and now suddenly there’s “no record of this tracking number” from the FedEx site.

Edit again: looks like it actually shipped and is now in FedEx’s hands!


I ate too much king cake and my stomach hurts now.


This is both a victory and a complaint