May the force be with you
Please report back… My friend’s mum inserted a tampon after chopping chilli, and found that natural yoghurt helped ease the sting.
As a diva cup wearer who eats and Chops raw habeneros every morning I usually clean my hands a LOT and wait a good 2+ hours if possible. But the burning isn’t that bad if i can’t. Just a way to get some hopping and grimacing out of the way.
Cup is safely removed. I gave up and just found some latex gloves. Better safe…
Baby no sleep.
I have a cold.
I’m awake and doing things at 3.25 am
I hope your trip home is uneventful and you’re able to rest when you actually are home and your infections go away quickly. Do they require a sternly worded letter?
Every time I sit up, I get all spinny
I’m in an airport in Houston, Texas. The last time I was in Texas I met a kid who put tarantula in his mouth. This time is much less exciting.
waves hi across the Gulf of Mexico
You could have waved to me when I was in Cancun, too.
Are you using your Canadian Sim yet? Are you excited for Colorado?
I’m on my Mexican SIM until 9ish pm.
So excited to be heading home.
But you’re slightly closer now, 850 miles away instead of 2600. Houston is the right amount south, Cancun is too far south for me waving to you to work.
I stopped being excited for Colorado when I learned that they don’t sell shrooms at the airport.
In response to a request for me to gather some documents, I wrote what I thought was a very clear email to clarify the parameters of the request, including three precise options. The response did not select any of my options, nor did it describe a fourth option.
My flight was delayed. Now we hope to be home by 11 pm. 3.30 am to 11 pm is too long. And we all have a stomach bug, particularly little dude, who is suffering badly.
I don’t like today.