Tiny Complaints

I LOVED Wuthering Heights. But I read it in high school. Would not-teen me still like it? I don’t know.

My phlebotomist forgot one of the samples so I had to go back, after nearly fainting, to get it out of the other arm. Also I hate the way the things feel when they’re inside my arm. Uugggh. (Also apparently some people don’t feel it? So icky. At least I know why I hate them more than other people now). Highly sugary muffin fixed everything.


I freaking loved this story.

(I hope the two of you mostly get along better now.) :laughing:


Let’s be real, that is super Emily Bronte style revenge. ON. POINT.


I hated the Great Gatsby in high school. I refused to read it after the first chapter. I failed all the quizzes on it and brought my A average in English to a B but I didn’t give a damn.


In grade 12 we were told to read Crime and Punishment. (Dostoyevsky, Russian lit so confusing but not crazy long) I misheard and thought we had to read War and Peace. (Tolstoy, stupid confusing and crazy long)
I spent a month in Hawaii torturing myself trying to read War and Peace, got home and realized my mistake. I said fuck it and refused to read Crime and Punishment, and faked my way through the book report. It’s my one and only time in my maaaaany years of education that I have faked doing a reading.
(In grad school I didn’t do the readings sometimes but I was open about it)


I went out to my deck to drink my coffee this morning and scared away this turkey who was roosting with her chicks. I didn’t realize they were there until after I made a ton of noise closing the door.


My costume for tomorrow night’s dress up party is SO GOOD but my husband is going to be at home looking after the baby instead of doing drunk flirting with me :frowning:


(Going off my high school memory of being forced to read Great Gatsby TWICE) I think part of why I didn’t like GG was because it was basically “terrible, vapid people being terrible and vapid”. I don’t even want to think about WH enough to remember why it was awful.


The Awakening was a bit better but not by much. I don’t think I read Huckleberry Finn either.

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I’m trying to create visual representation of the ontology and taxonomy of my organization’s data. Like, all of it. I can see how it fits together in my head, but here’s the problem. It’s 5 dimensional. I’m either going to have to develop something that lets me swap dimensions on the fly in the visual, or re-think how to show this.


I am made of headache.


My bra is super uncomfortable. It is the same style, size, and age as other bras that are not uncomfortable. WTF, bra?


If you want to workshop it, let us know. There are definitely data nerds here.

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I went outside today in the thick of the summer day to give my pup a quick potty break between my appointments.
It’s at least 101 degrees… certainly overly-friendly neighbors are inside, right? NOPE, sitting on their extra high deck looking out over the neighborhood/mostly my yard. Begin waving right away.

My frustration with this makes me feel like I am a bad person for not being more neighborly, or happy about my friendly neighbors. :rotating_light: INTROVERT :rotating_light:


So, like, I talk to the neighbor one the one side, like, maybe once a month. I am often out there but if I am doing something I start super concentrating on it. (It helps I am often doing garden-y things, and often have headphones in.) So… yeah. I feel you. At least he does not try to talk to me. (I talk to my other neighbors a few times a week. But, like, I live in a pretty dense urban neighborhood, and I think it is polite to not talk to your neighbors every time you see them, because that would be… excessive. I am an introvert though, so…)

(I stopped trying to be friendly last year after I left a jar of homemade jam (they wasn’t home, I left it in a bag on the doorknob, and I wrote a detailed note) and it was NEVER acknowledged. He talks to my other neighbor all the time, so like… whatever dude. I am out of here in probably a year anyway. I don’t need your nonsense, whatever your issue is. He did talk to me the other day because he thought my sprinklers were running for like hours (they are on a split schedule, so that zone was running when he left and just happened to be running when he came home, so it was a reasonable assumption). I didn’t hear him walk up, and he scared the crap out of me. I guess I should have been friendlier, but I told him about the schedule and thanked him. (I mean, I wasn’t unfriendly.) Anyway.)


BUT you just want some privacy and to not be on-call to talk to them every time you go outside! Carry your phone, if they start heading your way, pick it up and answer, turn your back and go inside…


Oh, also, sometimes I put headphones on even if I am not listening to anything. Then I can just wave (or whatever) but not engage. :wink:


Ha ha, I love y’all for understanding me and not just calling me a rude-dude. I play the “pretend to be on the phone” thing sometimes and honestly they don’t care, they still yell out. Also my hair is huge and I don’t know if they see the phone to my ear. I don’t own headphones, but maybe I could get some.
BUT LIKE… I don’t want a phone against my face or headphones on when it’s over 100 out, I just want them to be less nice. HAHAHAHAH.


Er, I also sometimes leave the house with the phone up to my ear, and if I see someone I start talking like I am having a conversation.

(It does sort of make me feel like a terrible person TBH, but I can’t handle people all the time, and what they don’t know won’t hurt them.)