Tiny Complaints

Honestly I was considering batsignaling you in that post. So, uh, when you in the Bay Area next? :stuck_out_tongue:

(ETA: I kid, I kid, no one’s leaving their homes for at least a year…)


Took a ton of stuff out to batch cook baby muffins. Then the baby woke up. So now I have to choose. Do I put it all away then have to take it all out again next nap? (Some is in very high cupboards requiring moving lots of things). Do I work around all of it while trying to deal with lunch chaos? There is no winning here. And guarantee you, no matter what I do the baby will be mad at me for doing it :joy::woozy_face:


Solved. Husband took a break and entertained baby as I cooked.

Next complaint: baby wants there to be more trash trucks, and there are no more trash trucks.


My weather app is blissfully unaware that it is suddenly massively snowing.


I get though. Trash trucks are fascinating to watch.


We have privacy film on the lower window to block the dogs view. This little stinker is standing on the back of her chair (toddler size arm chair) and yelling at me to make trucks appear. She was briefly appeased when someone walked a dog past- that led to a brief side quest where she had to find our dog and give her a sloppy kiss on the shoulder- but now we are back to precariously balanced window yelling :woman_facepalming:


It’s adorable because it isn’t happening to me.


It’s both adorable and slightly miserable :joy:


Outlook crashed, followed by a notification that updates to my laptop require a restart. The update is stuck at 11%. If it doesn’t progress soon, I may lose all ambition required to continue my work day. ETA happy early start to the weekend for me?


I did have to train him to not settle in for a long leisurely dump at the top of the hour, unless it is an emergency, as sometimes I have 2 minutes or less between meetings to run and pee.

I once cut off our department as she was walking into our satellite office’s (single stall) restroom when I was pregnant and the choice was to be super rude and do that, or throw up on the receptionist… I barely made it to the toilet before I vomitted, and continued throwing up for 15 minutes.

I felt so bad, because the poor woman is on meetings 10 hours of a 9 hour workday, and I knew this was her only 2 minute break to go in there.

She, luckily, understood when I apologized the next day.


My complaint- I have cuts all over my joints of my fingers and they are red and swollen and hurt like hell.
I hate winter.


Boo mine do that too. Goldbond healing hand cream is a lifesaver this time of year.


I desperately need sleep and everything is bad and I need sleep so much.but kids are. Coming through the kitchen in a procession that would be funny if this were a slapstick and there is a problem at the airbnb that I have to deal with via email.
I’ve gotten 10 mins of sleep and probably that’s it. I wa t to run away and find a hotel. I hate all of these people and hurt so much.

Oh look I have a fever. Yay.


Oh sure, if it’s an emergency, that’s different. But if he is headed in there with a book and his need is not urgent in nature, then my feeling is that he can wait until 10:01 when I’m strapped to my headset again! :wink:


Still going… Motivation to work after this is nearly gone. I especially love the message at the bottom that my PC will restart several times.


Oh right, I was just telling a story based on the idea of having only 2 minutes to pee. Which is also a complaint. I used to live in my headset. We’ve done away with a lot of meetings lately which is wonderful

I am very happy we have plenty of bathrooms. Though I kind of wish we had a toilet per person. We are n-1 on toilets.


We are n+2 on toilets and it is the height of luxury.


It is hot outside.


My husbands class this term is a legit, on zoom, at the time of the class type thing. Previously it’s been “recorded lecture watch when you want”. This means every Friday 5-9pm (aka baby dinner and bedtime) he’ll be occupied. Boo.


I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. At 9am