Tiny Complaints


I’m doing the feliway thing. But also I just paid 125 for 6 months of cat aromatherapy which angers me.


I had just put on my fancy nice sweater for solstice dinner when I had a sudden nosebleed. This is why I always dress like a slob. I can’t ruin my nice sweater if it lives in a drawer.


Ponder went to work yesterday instead of going to the shops to pick up my shower chair and stand mixer. He made up for it by buying fancy choc chip biscuits when he did the grocery shopping last night.


Within the last week or two, my child has decided to scream bloody murder for all naps and bedtime. As in, horrible (terrified?) screams. Previously we just tossed her in there and she got down to business relaxing. She also talks about not going to bed during the day now, but language is not advanced enough to find out why. We’ve tried literally everything and now all we have left is just screaming.

On a more positive note, it’s under 10 minutes. But still. Why kid?


Duckling has gone through periods of being scared of the dark etc as his brain develops, maybe something in that realm of stuff?


Yep, totally possible. We’ve done lots of talking about it, taking things out of her room that she might not like, staying in there with her (she doesn’t settle when we’re there at all), adding/subtracting music/night light/white noise and so on and on. In the end it seems like the sooner we plop her in there and let her get it out, the sooner she settles, but it sucks. Everything else just prolongs it.


SYMPATHY :sob: this is my child. I never pictured myself as a “cry it out” parent (no judgement to others, just isn’t my inclination), but soothing attempts achieve NOTHING when she’s upset. Just drags it out and we end up leaving as she cries anyway! Thank goodness we’re in a good sleep phase right now, but when we’re not… guh! It sucks to feel so helpless/useless/out of choices.

No advice. Just ugh/virtual hugs/lots of sympathy.


Yeah, nothing much works for Duckling when he’s having a brain leap either. Just passes, eventually. Fingers crossed her language develops juuuust enough soon for you to understand what might help! Until then, my sympathies because it’s a total crapshoot.


Sending sympathy. I apparently was a night terrors kid and would just scream bloody murder in the middle of the night, fast asleep. My poor poor parents. I hope this phase passes quickly and can someday be something to lovingly tease the little one about.


I’m having too much fun on my holiday break to keep up with the forums and there are interesting important conversations happening that I’m only seeing when too tried to interact meaningfully with them.


I promise we’ll continue to have fascinating and riveting conversations when you’re back and please, please continue to relax and enjoy yourself because we need some people around who aren’t totally crispy from burn out any more.


Can you just raise your prices to ridiculous levels so that no one will buy right now?


Midnight self-haircuts are not a great idea. Why can’t I see the back of my head?


I dunno, I was always told that moms had eyes in the back of their heads, do you have a mirror on both sides?


I’m just a bad mom.


Oh no no, you’re the best type of mom. I’m super scared of moms with that second set of eyes. :eyes:


Solidarity. At least you know it’s around ten minutes till she zonks out? Having the strutured cry it out method at bedtime for us was a life saver because I could start a timer and just focus all my attention and angst on the timer. Eventually it got better but it sucked to go through and seemed to last forever, like all sucky things about babies and toddlers phases.


I’ve always just assumed it was actually echo-location and they’re actually bats


I should have put a winky face after my last post. Let’s try again.

I’m a bad mom. :wink:


Exactly. I’m actually doing sort of ok because I know she’s fine, safe, dry, warm etc, but RLG is super sad about it. I sent him out for a grocery curbside pickup during bedtime last night and that was much better for both of us. Some websites said sleep regression but I think those are kind of BS (since you can find an article on one for literally every month of life) and just what people say to make themselves feel better about babies being completely illogical. I think she just turned 2 and her skills have exploded and her body hasn’t really caught up. But who knows. :woman_shrugging:t3: