Tiny Complaints

There’s a Linux version of Docker. Or maybe work would give you a desktop that would run it (whichever non-Mac version?)


Sometimes I put my phone down like there’s some other phone with a different internet that I haven’t read yet


Alternate universe internet. I would read a sci Fi about this. Please write it.


Ok. I like vanilla pudding, and I absolutely love eggnog. Of course! I thought that making boxed vanilla pudding with eggnog instead of milk would be amazing!!!

It was not. LOL


I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you. It sounds like it would be amazing.


Kid-3 is trans and is planning to legally change her first name to her chosen name, which I understand, and her last name to my maiden (and current) last name, which I also understand. But she is also trying to choose which dinosaur name to make her middle name, which - I guess I also understand because I do know my child - but…I do not think the rest of the world will understand.


Aww. But who the heck tells their middle name once you’re not in high school anymore? Unless to a partner, I suppose.


I agree with @Illathrael. Middle names are almost never used. If she wants to seem legit later in life she can just mumble about hippy parents that think they’re funny.

I changed my names. The middle name change has never ever come up.


Kid-3, within about 15 minutes of acquaintanceship. :blush: But yes, it will be fine. It is a mother’s prerogative to worry, though!


I really like this human you made.


Kid-3 seems like a heck of a lot of fun!


I applaud your Kid-3. One of my (given) names sounds like a dinosaur and I am never giving it up.


I had forgotten about this till I saw this picture, but when Kiddo was gestating I semi-seriously suggested naming him Theodore with a middle name of Rex because then his name would be T. Rex OurLast. Mr. Meer did not encourage this idea.


I love the dinosaur middle name idea, and even forts names if there was a more familiar short form name. Your kid looks like a good one based solely on a wrist


FWIW - I just had Muppet’s booties from Canada (Scarborough, ON) delivered this week on Thursday (12/17). They were shipped on 12/1 via Canada Post. It looks like they got to the States on 12/3 (processed the next day), so it took just over 2 weeks to show up at my home.

I’ve been getting notices about USPS delays in my informed delivery daily emails, but our area hasn’t been hit that hard by the delays as other areas.


Our dog has started pooping inside at night, unless you let her out at like 10:30 or 11 pm to do her business.

The first time, she went on our kitchen floor. Fine. Not great, but fine, easy to clean up.
The second time, she went on our living room carpet. Not so fine, requires carpet cleaner.
This most recent time - in the carpeted hallway between all of our bedrooms. Extra not fine, since I stepped on it on my way downstairs to work at 5:30 am.

Obviously we’re to blame, and my husband and I need to work on our communication on the nights that we don’t go to bed at the same time, but really? Three nights this month? And it’s not like she didn’t go out at 7 or 8 pm, we totally let her out when we go lock our chickens in at night, and she runs around like a maniac and probably forgets to poo, but MAN I am tired of this.

Also it makes our 4.5 year old gag and want to throw up, lol. Amusing, but only until he actually throws up and we have twice as much mess to clean up.

ETA - apparently my husband DID let her out, for a long time, at 11 pm yesterday. WTF dog :unamused:


woke up with crippling anxiety 2 hours after falling asleep. Did not fall back asleep for 3 more hours. Do not recommend. :neutral_face:


I had an ikea nonstick coated pan sophomore year of college and like… a large amount of pan flakes were consumed and probably still in my body :upside_down_face: like obviously I was alarmed but it was the pan I had and I still needed to eat mac n cheese. My tiny complain is chronologically speaking I had to experience 19.


If you’ve eaten half of an Ikea cookware item you do NOT need to worry about whats in the vaccine


I’m on day 26 of waiting for pajamas from Macy’s. I got half of the order 2 weeks ago. It’s says it’s in transit. Ugh …

Canada has always been a bit slow, post side. Let’s hope. :slight_smile: