Want to do an online chat or play some games together?
Yeah, that might be a good idea. I’m headed to the hardware store now in my now THREE MONTHS expired inspection car I’ve been trying not to drive, lol. Gotta get out and I need a new toilet flapper.
I need to fill out this “life history” form for my new therapist and I really don’t wanna. I’ve never had to do this for a therapist before, and it’s so much effort
sunday evening
I hate those. They always make me feel worse because I realize just how much shit I’ve been through/deal with. Like you ask me how my life is, I tell you it’s pretty damn good. You ask me to actually fill out a life history, I realize all the shit I just mostly shrug oFF/take in stride is A FUCKING LOT. And then I struggle.
Yeah I procrastinated filling this out for two weeks because I did not want to write all of this stuff down and relive it. Also it feels…too personal? Which sounds crazy when it comes to a therapist, but I JUST met this lady, I’ve had 1 session, I barely know her. It really takes me a while to warm up, even with a therapist and there is some stuff that I don’t want to share immediately, especially by writing it on a piece of paper.
Oh @mountainmustache29 @Marcela I’ve never had to fill one of those out, thank gosh… that sounds awful.
It can definitely be helpful for therapy. I was going through a thing and my therapist mentioned how my reaction to said thing was probably related to something I had included in my history, but I would not have made the connection or probably brought up the related situation.
It just suuuuuuucccckkkkkkssssss to do.
Eye twitch. My mom visited. It was even a GOOD visit. And yet. Eye twitch.
Body tired all day. Went to bed. Still awake two hours later and sleeping in is not an option in this house.
I think I’d do an abbreviated one.
I’m not trusting a new person enough to write it down. That’s really asking too much.
Is it for something like a medical history, or is the therapist using it as narrative therapy? I found narrative therapy helpful, can’t remember how many sessions I was in with my therapist when we did that
It’s more of a get to know you form. But that’s not how I prefer anyone to get to know me, and it feels impersonal and like skipping ahead. It was also 9 pages long, which was exhausting. Some of the questions were intense too, like “have you experienced ______ Trauma” and describe…um, no way! I left a lot vague and blank, and honestly the experience turned me off so much I’m not sure I will continue with this therapist past today’s session
Sorry That is a very impersonal way to do it. Mine used something more like a journal prompt, no particular format or length.
Yes definitely push back! They work for you, not the other way around.
Tell your therapist you are not comfortable filling out this form at this point. They should work with you, not dictate to you.
This is what I should have done. Instead because I am a people pleaser who struggles with boundaries and asserting my needs I filled it out even though it made me uncomfortable. Sigh. One more thing to work on in therapy!
So maybe you don’t turn it in at the next appointment, and instead discuss how uncomfortable this process was for you.
It is way easier to tell others to make and enforce boundaries than it is to do so myself. So don’t beat yourself up.
Also, they should probably think about revising this “tool” and consider it’s impact on someone who has been traumatized or is really struggling at the time.
I get really fucking resentful of the various tasks that we have to do at my job to prove that we are doing work.
Timesheet, when we’re salaried and don’t have billable hours or clients.
Metrics - we literally have to count how many of X thing and how many of Y thing we do each month.
New since the layoffs: we have to do a weekly report listing everything we did all week and what our “big wins” were. BARF.
“My big win this week is that I did not slap the person who came up with this idea. I may have injured my eyes with a massive eye roll at the idea, though, is that covered under workers comp?”