Tiny Complaints

Just got my internet bill for next month and it almost doubled which means I’m at the end of my ‘new customer’ promotion and it’s time to call and bother customer service until they reinstate it. Again. As has been happening for the past 10ish years since I was actually a new customer. Why they can’t offer a flat, reasonable rate and leave it alone instead of pulling these obnoxious shenanigans is completely beyond me.

Unfortunately a second complaint to go along with that is that the city broadband rollout that’s supposed to be in progress is moving far slower than they’d planned and I can’t count on it getting to me at any point in the near future.


I did this for a long time but then a few years ago they wouldn’t budge on their rate anymore. So now it’s $66/month :frowning:


Ponder is sick and I’m too emotionally exhausted to do daycare pick-up. I really want to switch our daycare to near our house.

OTOH: might be able to get MIL to pick up the mini monkey instead of me going in…


I have to get up and get my kid from daycare and I don’t wanna. I just want to lie on the floor and sleep.


This needs to be a poster.


I helped the person who bought my truck put the cap on as they were leaving.
While we were lifting it, it slid from my ands onto my forearms and I… “didn’t want to be a baby” and didn’t ask if I could reset the lift. Now I have small pancake sized (large cookie sized?) bruises on both forearms and they’re deep and ache.
The heck, self…?
Ego is poison. Poison.


My job has calmed down somewhat, or maybe just I have. But today I lament the speed of the systems I’m working with. It goes something like this.

Have an idea.
Run the search to pull back the data. Wait 45 minutes.
Forget what I was looking for. Try to ascertain what the hell I was thinking when I ran that search


I only came into work today, on Greyman’s birthday, because I had a 6- month review lunch with my boss. WELL that got postponed until Friday so I’m here for no reason. But I guess I’ll stick around until Greyman texts me and says he’s up and verifies he wants to spend time with me on his birthday? Totally possible he just wants to chill by himself all day, in which case I’ll respect that and stay at work. BUT I COULD HAVE MADE HIM BIRTHDAY BREAKFAST.


What cracked me up is that (this was on Facebook) HER mom commented saying basically, “whoa, isn’t that a little harsh?” And she responded, “NO. She has to learn to take care of her things!”

Of course, who knows, maybe her mom was the same when she was little and has mellowed with age.

This is a long distance friend and I’ve actually not seen her in years or met either of her kids. Pity, her kids could probably use a weird goth auntie, hahaha.


Fact: All kids need weird goth aunties.


That sucks. I would’ve WFH today on account of the continued below zero windchills if I didn’t have therapy over lunch right down the street from work. Instead I bundled myself into my Sta-Puf Marshmallow Man coat that is so pouffy, I cannot sit down on the el because I take up 2 seats with it on and that is Not Done.

So of course my therapist cancelled because the heat in her office is broken. HAHAHAHA. Grrrrrr.


Oh hey, are you me? I know supposedly it’s better to have everything saved In The Cloud ™ but it makes accessing files soooooo slooooow. I was clearing off a bunch of stuff from my desktop to save it where it ought to be and oh man was it painful. To the point I still have more to do but I don’t wanna.


I have feelings about cloud storage. Like, it’s great for backups, but in real data intensive enterprises, things are run in memory. Not some spinning disk farm in Nebraska, no disrespect to Omaha. If the pipes to and from the cloud are big enough, no big deal, but I’ve almost never seen that happen in practice.


A couple of jobs ago they insisted that everything be stored in the cloud and nowhere else. But the internet went down pretty often, and when that happened people who followed the rules were being paid to sit there and do nothing, while people who flouted the rules got their jobs done.
Saving everything in multiple places is smart. Doing just one or the other is dumb.


Yup. I’ve seen several instances of:

Company higher ups: We need X.
IT folks (internal or external): Then we’ll need Y budget and Z equipment
Company higher ups: Cool, cool … let’s still do X but for half of what you’re talking about. kthxbai
[time passes]
Company higher ups: Why isn’t this what we expected? Also why are our IT people talking about being burnt out all the time? IT’S A MYSTERY!

I’m a bit salty about it and I don’t even work in IT (praise FSM)


LOL this is my company re: IT.
It’s such a mess right now. I think we’re slowly going the right direction but it’s hard to make up for 15 years of bad decision making and shortcuts… :open_mouth:


We did both in our office, because ain’t no way you were accessing GBs of data in real time over our shit network. Process and work with locally, save and backup to the network. But you had to be organized about how you did and planned things. (Not everyone was very successful at that…)


I made a batch of veggie stock using scraps I had frozen, and it’s so damn bitter. Not tasty at all.


I went to stores this morning. There was christmas music playing. On the way home I noticed several huge ads for christmas loans.

Can we just collectively not?


Agreed, but I’m a Grinch.