Tiny Complaints

A large number of people yesterday and today told me I don’t look pregnant yet. A large number food shamed me today. I would like to eat while healthy foods but my body isn’t feeling it. So if I’m going to work 8 hours on my feet, yes I will be eating whatever the fuck I can manage.

I have to pee and there are people between me and the bathroom.

My tea at home didn’t brew. so no tea.

I personally know someone who had an appointment at this clinic with another practitioner. I asked them to get me tea and coffee for friends. They didn’t see the message…and when they were here I said not to worry. But AFTER their appointment they said that they didn’t understand my message.

I will crop and share:

Is very clear Canadian English, yes?


Ugh interpersonal conflict. I need to have a backbone and not apologize to restore the peace when I am not wrong. I HATE CONFLICT and want it to disappear magically.


Very clear in American English.

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Poor alternative, but if it would help to have a friend there to fetch water, I could meet you at the hospital. Or I can come over and wait and help you into a cab/grab go bags if needed?


I appreciate the offer. Once I’m at the hospital point I’ll have support, they provide a doula actually. And luckily now he’s on his way home. Bright side to early days I suppose! Creepin using google, it looks like he’s only an hour or an hour and a half out now. Should be well in the safe zone now :heart::raised_hands:


Little dude says that the other kids were confused by his presence in the change room and kept asking why he was there. He didn’t feel welcome, but he didn’t feel unsafe. I think this is going to be a long term type of issue.


Work made me change my password 2 weeks ago. I am still typing it wrong. At least I haven’t been locked out.


I think I’m happy with this update. Kids are confused but not hostile and hopefully will just decide not to care. Maybe kid’s whole school can be post gender


:heart: :heart: :heart:

A very close friend faced similar issues when she started high school… She was male-presenting with female pronouns; we were all extremely ignorant kids and didn’t understand anything about gender diversity and were super confused when she used our change rooms. I shudder to think of the kinds of questions we asked her. If positive anecdata helps, she quickly made a lot of good, close friends and is an extremely happy adult who sits exactly where she sits on the gender spectrum and never has to explain it to anyone anymore and she has a gorgeous fiancee and lots of pets.


My feet are too warm :frowning: I’m going to have to shop for summer-appropriate shoes and I don’t wanna.


My feet are freezing - we average out. That doesn’t help either of us though.


Freezing rain is a shitty substitute for snow and I should move to the snow belt


I took my kid swimming and it was so fun! And we had really great conversation! Swimming together is our best time. But while in the water I felt something in my left knee snap and now it isn’t weight bearing, and my right shoulder subluxated. Now I’m home and I’ve made dinner but I very literally cannot move and everything is pain.
Was swimming worth It? I don’t know.


Not for the first time, I wonder if you truly understand what a tiny complaint is :thinking:


Well there isnt a thread for medium complaints.


Again, I think your definition of words doesn’t match mine :stuck_out_tongue:


I have large complaints. Climate change, patriarchy, etc. If it affects only me it isn’t a large complaint. I am an insignificant speck in the universe.


Snap might mean surgery. Or nothing

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We live in a democracy and so I vote it’s nothing.
That being said maybe I should actually order those crutches instead of just looking at the website a lot.


I couldn’t figure out why I am tired at 8 pm - then realized I’m in a different time zone and 2 hours difference.