Tiny Complaints

Fucking Virginia creeper. I’m pretty sure fire and salting the earth would just make it laugh.


spotted lanternflies (invasive species that destroys trees and crops) are all over my area and there’s a huge infestation on the sidewalk outside of my job’s building. i’m complaining because they’re bad for the environment but I actually think they’re really pretty and don’t especially hate them as far as bugs go. also complaining because some scientists have suggested releasing a certain kind of wasp species that kills lanternflies, and i do hate wasps. please don’t do this, science. there has to be another way.


I’m sick.


Boston real estate prices are stupid high. But there’s a job in Boston I want.


So, how do you ever get it off again??


Fucking spirit week at kid’s school next week. Correction, spirit week will be at his school and at his after care and they probably won’t have the same spirit-y things each day. He won’t care in advance but I know he’d like to be part of the group. I’m not going out of my way to accommodate this but I will at least make a note for myself for Sunday night in my calendar. (Self, do not overfunction on this one. Also stop giving it brain space already.)


The locknuts break off. I might try to get a new set and just do that if it still bugs me in a week.

The studs I normally wear broke. The back ups I found that I haven’t worn in a long time I reacted to. Now my earlobes hurt, a lot, and are all red and angry looking.


Pretty sure I got food poisoning last night. Now I’m tired from not sleeping and my abs hurt from throwing up all night.


My nose is spontaneously completely blocked and my lungs are itchy. What did I eat that I was allergic to and didn’t know??

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My random allergy attack has left me with exactly 0 energy.

I’m processing such a high volume of snot that the inside of my nose is burning

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Yuck - but on the bright side you are now a member of the Cold Club.

My boots stink a lot, I think to the point where the bacteria can’t be fully washed out of my socks. Even the UV sanitizer doesn’t appear to be doing anything. I’m going to attempt to disinfect the insoles and spray the inside of the boots with vinegar water tonight.

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Nasal tampons? The ones made of toilet paper are my most glamorous look.

My rib cage feels like it is folding in on itself and I can’t breathe. Why are colds a thing?


Gastro over here. Hoping I get better before Ponder gets hit with it.

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It takes about 4 minutes to soak through each. I am truly an attractive specimen


Is there a nose running sprint at the Olympics? Because you belong in it.

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Vodka spray is also super effective if you have it. Straight or diluted 50-50, it is a costumer’s best friend in the theater world :wink:

EDIT: Diluted with water, if that wasn’t clear.


I had not heard of this. I may need to investigate for use on my own stinky shoes.