Tiny Complaints

Noooo that’s TOO LONG


Walmart will deliver! They don’t sell things like tofu anymore so we are frugal and saving


Oh noooo. No. Damn.

I slept like crap yesterday so I was tired all day and then last night I brilliantly stayed up too late reading a book, plus Kiddo came into my room at 4:30am needing help. Today’s gonna be rough. Who could have possibly foreseen?




migrane all night that did not end after :face_vomiting: my lunch ( couldn’t eat dinner) and couldn’t take any medication because of being so nauseous. It was a long night :grimacing:


I’m sorry, migraines are so terrible. Sorry for proselytizing when I’m sure you’ve had plenty of discussions about it, but have you tried Rizatriptan for migraines?

I use the 10 mg generic of Maxalt MLT, which dissolves in your mouth and (I assume, but now I’m not 100% sure this is true) it is partially absorbed through your mucous membranes/the roof of your mouth. It works really well for me for migraines - rizatriptan + ibuprofen + caffeine + 45 minutes is usually enough to get rid of it, it’s fucking AMAZING.

It’s a relatively “old” medication (1998), and I haven’t tried any of the newer migraine meds, so I might be completely out of date.

ETA - I messaged my PCP to see if they know if there’s a difference between the orally disintegrating or regular tablet version, so maybe I’ll update this later :slight_smile:


Oh don’t worry about proselytizing! I’ve never thought about mentioning migranes to the doctor before, I don’t know why :upside_down_face: I’ve always tried to manage with ibuprofen or Excedrine…lately though it always comes with nausea that makes it impossible to take anything. I appreciate the suggestion, I will have to bring it up next time I have an appointment


I do high dose gravol plus ibuprofen per an ER suggestion. It knocks me out but reduces or eliminates it.

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If they happen a lot, they’re also things you can take that may prevent them. I take propranolol every day because I was having a migraine about every 4 days, and each knocked me out for about 36 hours. Haven’t had one since except for a couple of times when I forgot my meds for two days in a row.


I have tried many, many of the migraine meds out there (both rescue and preventative) so if you do talk to your doctor and try some meds, I’m happy to share my experiences! I will say that for me, prescription migraine meds are in a whole different class than OTC pain killers. It’s not that they are stronger pain killers, it’s more that they remove the migraine, if that makes any sense.


New work pants that are comfortable, stretchy, have good pockets, and are about an inch too short.


Someone keeps stealing my identity

I froze my credit and put a fraud alert on it, but now they’ve filed for unemployment and sent me a debit card from a random bank. Is there a way to lock down that stuff or do I just have to keep playing wack-a-mole and calling incredibly unhelpful outsourced CRS people from fintech companies (the first time I called the man was so unhelpful that I said, for the first time in my life, “can I talk to your supervisor” and then hung up and called back and got a different dude who was slightly more helpful but still not that reassuring)


Apologies if you’ve done this already, but did you freeze your credit at all of the credit bureaus, not just one? I do the big 3 plus Innovis and ChexSystems because I’m paranoid, lol.


I did, and this happened afterwards. So they can’t take out debt in my name which is great but they can still open bank accounts (which I don’t understand how that helps them at all but they keep trying)


There have been cases where undocumented immigrants have used SSNs/identities of US citizens in order to access banking and other services. That could be possible here?


It sure does sound like they have your SSN.


Yup but as far as I know there’s not really anything I can do about that?


You could contact the unemployment office and let them know someone is committing fraud with your information? Could actually get a case pursued.


I submitted the form tonight

Idk they just keep saying “file a police report” or “tell the feds” but if my SSN is for sale somewhere it’s just going to keep happening

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