Tiny Complaints

Outside is so fucking pollen-y. My throat is so itchy. The oak trees are trying to kill me.


I ordered some stuff that I need for Easter parade throws on Amazon last Thursday. It now says the package is delayed until 3/5 which is a problem because my krewe’s crafty day is 3/3. The package appears to be taking a scenic tour of the Midwest?


Today is horrible. Oliver has had diarrhea for 36 hours and I thought it was getting better. Then he went outside to :poop: and started crying because it hurt so bad ( he is going to the vet tomorrow morning). Now he is afraid of outside because of the pain he felt out there. I finally was going to take a shower for the first time in like 3 days, and he followed me upstairs and :poop: :poop: all over my room and the hallway, which I discovered right after I had fully undressed and was about to hop in the shower. Then I went downstairs to get the cleaning stuff and discovered he peed in the house as well which he hasn’t done since he was 6 months old. Because he’s terrified of outside. WTF is this day.


… that sucks on 5000 levels and I’m so sorry.

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That sounds like hell for both of you


We went to the small market for dinner. Needed to use plastic, fine. My card wasn’t all the way in so they had to redo the transaction… and though I’d told him I needed a receipt the first time, he didn’t give me one with the redo.

Dammit. Now I will have to look at the bank statement and just write a note for the grocery budget. It’s SOOOO easy to just staple the receipt in the book!

I’m spoiled. And, yes, I like – no LOVE – that I mostly get to be.


Our chickens stopped laying over the winter, so we stopped checking the nesting box…


My new headphones are slightly too big and my ears would like to file a complaint about how much I’ve been wearing them. I have not been wearing them more than my old headphones so the ear buds must just be a teeny bit bigger. Today and maybe tomorrow I try to not wear headphones to give my ears a break, but I wanna listen to my stories.


Embrace the main character vibes and just play the stories directly out of your phones speakers. If anyone says anything about it, stare them down. Assert dominance.


What the actual fuck Florida.

I am livid


Add that to the excellent handling of the measles outbreak…


:scream: “prohibited expenditures”?! DEI?!

Um yeah so good luck with that…


I mean, we knew this was coming.


I think I had kept holding out hope it wouldn’t happen. It does look like several of the Dean’s for dei at the individual colleges have been retitled so it doesn’t explicitly call out dei, but dang this is gross.

I can’t imagine what hiring and student recruitment is looking like with this sort of thing.


I would be shocked if diversity statements are allowed in hiring, let alone any real efforts.


I guess it will be a cesspool? It will really really suck to be in the cess pool for the people going there due to other circumstances


Fucking gross.

This asshole is also affecting my job because we likely have to go through our FL-specific program and pull out all the social emotional learning. Because why would kids need that :roll_eyes:


smallest complaint.
I’m using the app Pokemon Sleep to try to be better about getting enough zzzzs. BUT the phone slipped off my bed last night and I only got 71 points for my truly glorious sleep last night. RUDE.


My favorite coat (a lighter down puffer) got three tears across the back yesterday and stitching it up there was still leaking down, so I had to put glue over the stitched seams :sob: Luckily I don’t think it’s super obvious unless you’re looking at it but still. Did I try to squeeze past a rose bush or something? Also, it looks like my cats have tried to pull on some of the stitching.


I was thinking more the difficulty of hiring when this sort of thing is known about your workplace.

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