This book is fucking boring, but I have less than 100 pages left so I may as well finish.
Tiny complaint but victory - poor cat had her dentistry done today and 3 teeth pulled. Poor baby! The complaint parts - $1800 for the bill and she peed herself so she stinks and won’t let me clean her.
At least the vet gave me the canine tooth that was pulled to show SO what $1800 is worth. I may put a price sticker on the bottle and put it on the mantel.
But! At least she is not in pain, as it was quite infected on both sides and had some nerve exposure we could not see. And another victory - she hit 8 lbs!! This is a big deal as she has been quite underweight.
Ugh- I hate when that happens and so much time has been invested.
Someone in a neighboring apartment is singing really loudly, with questionable pitch
By the time I got this open, I forgot my complaint. so that’s complaint one!
It took 8 hours
I remembered my complaint. It’s winter, and it’s wet, and I had to clean condensation off my windows. Annoying and gross.
My library ebook got returned before I could finish, and there’s a wait list
Similarly, I have a book due tomorrow, there’s a wait list, and I haven’t even opened it yet.
Apparently I’ve been treated for a disease for seven years without actually having that disease.
Oh my god.
Better still, the drugs I am on for the disease I don’t have can cause blindness.
And also, no idea what is actually causing my major symptom, if not the disease I was (mis?)diagnosed with.
Ughhhh my friend I’m so sorry
What the actual fuck.
That royally sucks. I hope you can find a competent medical professional.
Wow. I’m so sorry, that sucks big hairy monkey balls.
The hallway to the Good Bathroom and the Good Bathroom itself reeks of patchouli. This is a hospital, FFS.
Haha. The sanctity of the Good Bathroom must always be preserved!
YES. Also I am astounded by either the audacity or the ignorance of how perfumes/oils/etc. impact those around The Perpetrator. Medical and scientific facilities seek to maintain No Fragrance policies. They are in direct violation.
But mostly I don’t want to breathe that in while using the Good Bathroom.
I hate patchouli- it smells like mold (sweet mold, but mold) to me. It is also very heavy and tends to linger.