It turns out that for me, “wealth” feels like two things:
Choice – having options & control instead of being forced into something because I’m hustling to the bone or don’t have the money for it (so time for cooking involved things, etc)
“Fancy” stuff, for whatever reason I’ve deemed it fancy – like houseplants and books are apparently Fancy People things to me
Just paying my bills. When they are due (or before!). The full amount. No juggling, no waiting, no worrying, no stressing. Bill arrives, bill gets paid, move on with the day.
8 foot ceilings! After spending 3 years in a basement apartment, being able to fully extend my arms overhead without touching the ceiling is so luxurious.
Being able to give generously and randomly. I’ve always had a charity line item in my budget, but I used to have to be more deliberate about it. Now I can just throw money at people and causes when so moved.
-Fancy cheese.
-A fridge full of nutritious fresh foods
-Living spaces with natural light
-Air conditioning.
-Filling up my entire gas tank each time I go to the station
-Naps in the afternoon
Having access to clean water/enough water to shower every day.
Riding Amtrak (Amtrak is not extravagantly nice, traveling just makes me feel rich because my family never went Anywhere growing up) *similarly, flying makes me feel 1% rich lol.
finding the free time (and buying supplies) to deep clean my living space
buying gifts
buying and consuming vitamins (arguably a waste of money according to the science, i guess?)
having a gym membership
having health insurance (thru my parents, but will be able to pick up insurance thru my current job in the future if i stay on)
working at a job that’s in an air conditioned office and has a breakroom/kitchen
owning a sewing machine (I think it was around $200, but my mom gave it to me)
owning a nice bike (I bought it for $530 in college)
my macbook pro
college degree (paid for with loans, but the fact that I have it, it’s still an asset in my life and socioeconomically)
socks without holes/darns (as noted elsewhere)
homemade meal components in the freezer for low effort & guilt free mid-week dinners
being one container ahead on olive oil, shampoo, peanut butter
books I haven’t read yet on my bookcase
favourite books available to be reread on my bookcase