The Unf*ck It Thread

:heart_eyes: that is a drawer of beauty


It will stay like this for maybe a day. But a lot of things got rehomed because this drawer was not where Iā€™d think to look for them. Both Mr. Meer and I said that weā€™ve never put the two (TWO) box cutters into the junk drawer because thatā€™s not where they go.

On the bright side, the task I was actually supposed to be doing was putting together the grocery list and now I donā€™t need to get AAA batteries! We have so many batteries. So many.


This is how I feel about our front closet. Thereā€™s a cubby/drawer system full of art supplies, but things NEVER get put back. I reorganize it every few weeks, and then I canā€™t shut the door again within a few days :sob:


Incoming: rant.

Just took all of this out of this tiny section of room and thereā€™s barely a perceptible visual change. I am so unbelievably sick of the tide of BULLSHIT that comes my childā€™s way. Why, upon seeing a child gleefully pretending that an air purifier is a cash register, do my ILs need to go buy her a plastic noisy POS? Which she now refuses to use anything else for the role imaginatively, so that just stays now. Stop wasting resources, stop making her entitled, stop undermining me trying to teach respect for the planet, stop undercutting her imaginative play, just STOOOOOP. (Not just my ILs either my mom is as bad or worse). Anyway. Sorry. Rant aside. Itā€™s just so hard because this child has a nearly perfect memory. So anything I cycle out I have to keep an in quarantine bin for like six months. So today Iā€™m pulling everything out of the quarantine bin that she hasnā€™t asked for, throwing a ton of plastic trash away, and separating stuff for offering on Buy nothing, and just generally doing a ton of work that I feel like I should not have to be doing.

(ETA to be clear, Iā€™m not getting rid of all of this, some of it is just getting rotated off the shelves because thereā€™s too much out and itā€™ll just go into toy storage to be rotated out later. Not all of this is trash.)



One of my pet peeves is toys that have 97 different pieces and if you lose one, itā€™s really obvious. The cuckoo loves most of her Lovevery toys and they are good quality, but there are a few where the pieces are really specific and she doesnā€™t even like those ones anyway! They become trash WAY too fast!

(Like, there is a jar of velcro bugs. Great. You lose a bug, you still have like 6, whoā€™s to say you ever had a dragonfly? But then there is like a hanging bag thing with a million pockets and each pocket has a picture of an animal and there is a little flat stuffed animal that goes in the pocket, so if you lose even 1 animal, you see the gap immediately. And at any given point, approximately 38% of our toy pieces are missing under the furniture.)


I just learned that you can contact Lovevery and replace the missing pieces! If you have a subscription I think they send them for free. I pick ours up on eBay so they charged me $8 for two wooden puzzle circles which seems pretty reasonable.


This is SUPER good to know

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You guys. I purged my bra, sock, and underwear drawer. Should have done it sooner. But here we are.


Mini unfucking before bed.


I really want to paint this nightstand so it will match the other furniture but in the meantime I replaced the old broken knobs with new ones that match the dresser.


This is just from our 2x7 runner in the upstairs hallway. :flushed::nauseated_face: This is your reminder to vacuum! :laughing:

Dirt Pic TM


I vacuum my momā€™s house because itā€™s really hard for her. Every time I start she says not to do it, it doesnā€™t need it. The proof is in the canister!


Yes absolutely every time :sweat_smile:

Also if you have dust allergy or asthma: proof is in your nose.

Here's hallway+ both offices. Also got a full canister from the bedroom šŸ˜³


Youā€™ve probably thought of these, butā€¦

Would a roomba help your mom? Or is there too much stuff on the floor? (we have too much stuff on the floor :sweat_smile:) I also love having a cordless stick vac/3 in 1 for quick messes/daily vacuuming since itā€™s very light and easy to use, and can go around obstacles easily but I realize it wouldnā€™t help if itā€™s a walking/mobility issue, or arthritisā€¦ Also you still have to decide itā€™s time to use it :sweat_smile:


I tend to run my roomba with too much stuff on the floor and just rescue it occasionally. It doesnā€™t need rescue nearly as often as I expected.


No before pic but I have, at the age of 43, finally kept a bathroom drawer organized for longer than 36 hours. Everything has a loose place and I keep putting it back in the assigned place! And then I can always find it!


Oooooh pretty

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I am wondering where you keep all your used tissues and extra hairballs. (it looks great lol)


Very impressed, love the organizers!

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I wish I had a before, but my vanity has been a disaster since I moved into this house. I saw this pantry organizer at Costco for $25 and now I feel like I live in a luxury spa every time I am in my bathroom, and Iā€™ve also been so much more consistent with skincare because I can find things!