The Unf*ck It Thread

Yup, here’s mine. We also have a play kitchen taking up a corner!



What do they all do? No idea. Like I do vaguely remember replacing a Roku somewhere along the line which explains two of them, and two others I know go with the television and DVD player, but the majority are just…“huh, and here’s another one.”

The white one in the top right has been determined to be the one remote to rule them all since it talks to the television, DVD player, Roku, and sound system (the sound being the new one I was trying to get to play nice that started this whole mess) and does not do anything creepy like try to access my wireless network.


the shadowy one took on the top of the fridge (with a bit of support), and I’m in full diderot effect / productive procrastination with cleaning the walls around the stove, the underside of the cabinet that holds the microwave, the cabinet doors under the sink.

I’d like to do the bathroom next, cleaning baseboards, walls, but my hands are starting to notice, which combined with the cold dry isn’t great. We’ll see what I have energy about.


Oh yeah follow up on this post. Zero progress was made since then. The dude kneeled on a nail at a different work site and is off for at least 2 weeks and they can’t find anyone else :melting_face: the plumbing curse continues. At least there isn’t actively holes anywhere now, just weird patches waiting to be textured and painted all over. But in the meantime my poor :duck:ing cupboards in that room must remain empty and I can’t find any of my pantry shit when I go looking. The shit is still very much fucked over here :joy:


This is called “potential”

Tackled step 2 of office/guestroom reorg planned/started in September. Step 1 was moving my desk. Step 2 was moving the shelf. A bed can now go in the back corner instead of being right inside the door and awkward to get around!

We were going to put a Murphy bed in this room, but my ambition has waned. It seems like too much hassle. I’m thinking keep our old futon in here until someone is sleeping here regularly, then put in a real bed.

Progress in updating the old Billy

TC: I got the wallpaper in like December but did not use it until now. Turned out the package I got had like 6ft. Which I didn’t even realize was wrong at first, I was just like, wow they don’t give you much! Then I ran and got another package and realized (duh!) I should have had over 16ft (x20in wide). Upon further inspection the first package had a “reserve for” sticker, so it seems to be a return. Could be malicious, could be an error (had a spare roll, returned the package with scrap instead?). Anyway, might run to see if customer service will give me a gift card or something…


Another TC: why does literally no one make stackable storage boxes that are (nominally) 11x11x5.5 inches (probably a quarter to half inch less in each dimension)? Why are fabric bins the only option!?


I love it!!

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I went at the underside of the extractor fan hood today. I think because at some point soon a contractor will be ripping it out and I don’t want to have them judging me.

the shame

Sometimes I am such my mother’s daughter.


What in the world did you use to get those results? I’m impressed!


Method and then vim. Technically there is a sticker on it saying only dish soap should be used.

The previous home owner left us her vim. We really don’t use it often. We moved here in 2006.


lmao at first I thought you meant vim as in vim and vigor. Like you scrubbed really hard.


I don’t use it either, which is funny because my mom always had a bottle of vim


I also did that. I was considering mentioning the elbow grease. But actually it is pretty hard to get the leverage at that angle.


My mother was a comet person, until she scraped off the finish on the tub.


Brb starting a new cleaning company named Elbow Grease.


relevant for this conversation is this piece from a keystone record from my childhood (which I was reminded of while watching the ‘how to stop shopping in five easy steps’ video in the other thread - “that lady is smiling because she’s an actress”)

So, the very next time you happen to be
Just sitting there quietly watching TV,
And you see some nice lady who smiles
As she scours or scrubs or rubs or washes or wipes or mops or dusts or cleans,
Remember, nobody smiles doing housework but those ladies you see on TV.
Your mommy hates housework,
Your daddy hates housework,
I hate housework too.
And when you grow up, so will you.


Let’s talk about craft room/space organization. Specifically, if you are an out of sight/out of mind person, where do you put your works in progress so that you do not literally forget about them?

“Pile on floor” and “pile on table” does mean they stay at the forefront of my brain but it looks like shit and makes me feel like a mess.


I do love baskets.


Oh my god I wish I had the answers to this.


Whatever you do, I would keep them all together in one zone in the room. I would then keep a whiteboard out and write down what is in each bin or basket. Maybe get bins or baskets of two different sizes for tiny projects versus bigger projects? And if they are identical, number them so that you have a system for your whiteboard.

Side note: if you aren’t used to putting your projects away, I highly suggest making a practice of putting away the tools you use for these projects in their actual home rather than in a bin with the project because if you keep it with the project, chances are you will need the tool for something else, and then won’t be able to find it if it is shoved in a bin with a work in process project.

Edit to add: Clear bins are best if you won’t commit to noting what your projects are on a whiteboard that you keep in a highly visible spot.