The Unf*ck It Thread

Haha I packed em! The ice cream was soupy but oh well…


We just unfucked our backyard/ patio. Didn’t take anywhere near as long as I thought, maybe 2 hours including getting some plants in the ground? Took everything out of the patio area, swept, put back the toys & chairs, ditched the rubbish, put away the gardening equipment in the shed. It is delightful out there.


This is one of the tricky areas to keep tidy and therefore clean. Let the unfuckening begin!


When I see this space, I think “this is where they do all the fun stuff.”


Today, we are liars. :joy: we are NOT unfucking.

Here’s the deal. We’re applying to have our property re-appraised so we can get PMI removed. $150 to get rid of $95/mon? Yes please. Anyway, given the market, the work we’ve done, and what we bought for the guy was like “yeah we just need photos to check boxes, we don’t even send anyone out. We just need these photos (giant list).”

But I still want stuff to look DECENT. And we just got home from camping a couple hours ago. Hence. Not unfucking, but just lying. I’m just moving shit from one room to another to take photos. :joy: maybe some stuff will shake loose and end up in the right spots.


It is! But this was after i did a grab & dump into random boxes, the floor was littered with lego and other bits. I want there to be space to actually play together.


Yes do the lying and good-enough! And enjoy the photos of a temporarily clean space later.


Unfucked a table.

Now to unfuck the office floor, because I had to remove a bunch of stuff from the closet and now… yes. That is an issue.


I, uh, added a piece of furniture. Not sure this is going well. Onward!


Ha! I did end up permanently un-fucking 1 thing. I put all the old crib sheets into a nice zippered bag I had saved from buying a toddler pillow, and stored it in Lattes closet along with outgrown sleep sacks for hopefully-someday-sibling. Never mind that the disassembled crib went right back into the corner of the guest room Aka crap room. I tried 2 different closets, and even though it’s a super small profile crib, it just doesn’t fit any of our small closets if I want absolutely anything else in them. A task for another day. Or maybe I’ll leave it until hopefully a pregnancy happens again, and hopefully sticks around this time.


Man, but when you pretend there isn’t normally random blankets, pillows, a llama monstrosity, and a crib in the room, it’s cute :joy: fresh vacuum lines courtesy of removing some dead bugs from the floor :nauseated_face:

Happily there was very little to do in Latte’s room to make it presentable, except straighten the sheets. It helps that we only need 1 picture of each room, so it doesn’t have to be fussed to every corner.


I love the wood on your dresser. Reminds me of the dining set my mom has.


My grandmas dresser/baby changing table. :heart: I deeply wish it was more functional. It’s gorgeous. Idk where I’ll put it if we can have a second though.


It’s lovely. I also love Latte’s quilt and now want to make more :thinking: starting projects is much more fun than finishing them…


Haha I can claim no credit. My mom commissioned a friend to make it for her before she was born.


You know. This might actually have been a good exercise. Cuz now I’m trying to think how I can make these spaces look more like the pictures for real.


We pulled our dining room table out into the center of the room for the first time in over a year and a half. :grimacing: it’s been smashed against a wall to make a giant play space. It looks nice but man. Takes a lot of room. I keep telling myself to sell it but then. Not doing it.


I didn’t take pictures, but… picture a so-dirty-it’s-almost-actively-gross shower? Like, right on the line? Now, picture a clean one!

I know, amazing. It took me over an hour.

My shower is tricky because it is big and has weird nooks, and is also designed in a way to not look dirty until it’s very dirty, so I want to do deep cleans vs. weekly cleans. This works great until I don’t clean the shower walls and door for… 3-4 months? I am publicly committing to doing this once a month.


Wow stunning transformation!!! I can picture the sparkle!!


does it get pink mold (actually bacteria biofilm!)? I had a shower like that which got a pink sheen until we got consistent on wiping down the walls after showers.