The Not Pregnant...Yet Thread

Annoyed that none of my labs have posted to my portal from last week. Vitamin D? Prolactin? Hellooooo?? Cmon guys.

Consent paperwork for embryos moving done and notarized and going in with me today. :crossed_fingers:


Ok, lots of frantic communications with my fertility clinic that I haven’t officially had a consultation with yet, because I was so concerned about both following my doctor’s orders by taking letrozole, and concerned about not following by not taking it, and augh.

Basically had to beg but I got to talk with someone for about 30 seconds who advised I do 1-2 rounds with my doctor and just make sure that I a) get day 21 blood tests and b) not do a round as I’m in the last cycle coming up on the consultation with the clinic so they can do blood tests with by baseline ASAP.


One lead follicle this time. (Yay no twin angst). Need a trigger shot, so that’s another $290. Only can be done tomorrow, the one day in this stretch SirB has to be elsewhere lol. Luckily he can go in early to give his sample, and then my mom can come watch Latte.

God I hate that parking lot.


That all ended up taking 3 damn hours btw. Drive there. Ultrasound, wait for trigger shot to be filled, get med, drive back.


Just got a positive OPK on CD ::checks notes:: 54. Well, all righty then. We have completed the necessary activities, and I’m just over here shaking my head like what even are bodies?

I guess maybe my homemade tinctures worked to make me ovulate? Either that or it was coincidence…


IUI done. Chillin on a table with a timer on my tummy. NP was so positive and optimistic. I felt bad reflectively being like “ehhhh yeah maybe”. At least parking was super open and easy today, so one thing was #blessed :joy:

Enjoying the view lol


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


My latest IUI cycle failed, so we’re prepping for another one. I was very ready to start treatment as it seems like our chances for conceiving unassisted are low, but I’m not enjoying CD1 coming with a to-do list. (Call clinic nurse to report CD1, then scheduling calls separately to make a monitoring appointment, order trigger shot refill, and this cycle I also had to call the pharmacy about my letrozole prescription because the insurance company questioned the dosage of letrozole that the RE prescribed.)

I think this will be our last IUI cycle. I’m not feeling particularly hopeful.


I’m sorry, Daffodil.

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Doesn’t it suck feeling like you’re just going through the motion? I just try to remind myself that my belief or not has nothing to do with outcomes.


Going through the motions is a perfect description. Thanks for the reminder–I feel bad going into this cycle expecting it to fail but doing it anyway. I think really though it’s just how my stress around all this is manifesting.


The times I was optimistic and meditated and stuff went tits up, and the time I ended up with my daughter I literally didn’t consider it a cycle of trying and was annoyed the positive would mess up my IVF timeline. I’ve come to the firm conclusion that my mindset means fuck all as long as it doesn’t interfere with me going through the motions. I’ll be sending you my best wishes for zen in the form of “eh, fuck it, may as well try” :crossed_fingers:


Abstaining from melatonin as I approach ovulation because I still haven’t gotten a straight answer as to how much is enough to “disrupt” ovulation and I can’t sleep.

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I should probably have sex soon but I don’t wanna.

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Cup! Cup! Cup!


Loooool just realized my beta for this IUI is one day before my due date :melting_face:


This is the worst.

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Kids meds syringe! Baster baster baster!


Proposed this with “so you like jerking off right? And you want to make a baby right? What if you do those things… Together.”

Anyway I’m basted.


Master basters