The 2022 Elections Thread (be nice)

Yessss! Saw it on FB, googled, cried a little, and came here to celebrate. NV and AZ were my other Senate races in 2018, which helps ease the eternal pain of Florida.


i feel like lizzo should get to keep the flute now


Iā€™ve read several articles about the palpable excitement on college campuses on election day. With long lines to same-day register, and the feeling of common cause and participation.

What a great way to seed a lifetime of political participation. Those young peeps will forever see voting, at least unconsciously, as something not just important, but also fun and unifying. Maybe even help us move beyond politics being so polarizing, and back into the realm of thing that can be discussed.

I also hope DNC doesnā€™t nominate Biden or Harris for POTUS in 2024 butā€¦weā€™ll see. Its going to be a wild ride either way.


Iā€™d be shocked if they didnā€™t nominate Biden, for no other reason than heā€™s the incumbent. I feel like they didnā€™t even try to keep Florida at the midterms (maybe my feelings are not consistent with the facts? I tried to avoid election news as much as possible) so deviating that far from their past presidential election behavior seems like too much of a stretch.


Yea, thereā€™s no way the party machine wonā€™t nominate him. When I worked for the party, I wasnā€™t even allowed to catch a ride home with a democrat running for office against an incumbent democrat, even in nonpartisan positions like city council. The party always endorses the incumbent if they run. Also Biden has an operation that is likely to crush any challenger.

That being said, weird things have been happening in politics so :woman_shrugging:t2: impossible is almost always possible


Yup, thatā€™s the realm my hope exists in. An outside possibility that might happen but probably wonā€™t.

Of course, it also depends on the GOPā€™s nominee. If theyā€™re insane enough to run Trump, Biden would he okay. However, I donā€™t think Biden is a very strong contender against DeSantis.

Only thing to do is wait 2 years, and enjoy election day week 2024.


They 100% just surrendered us over to Desantis and Rubio. I think I got 1 piece of pro Charlie Christ mail and canā€™t remember seeing or hearing any ads.

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True in the 2018 midterms too. People I worked with assumed that Nelson would keep his seat just because heā€™d been there for so long, not thinking about how he had his first serious challenger with a lot of money, who had already won a statewide seat, and who was going hard in demographics that Nelson wasnā€™t.

Also just the trend of people getting optimistic about Florida and then being brutally crushed.