Spring Cleaning Motivation Thread

Done (multiple times lol):
-Clean toilets, including the bases
-Scrub the tubs rub a dub dub
-Clean counters and sinks
-Clean mirrors
-Wipe walls & baseboards
-replace vacuum filters
-put a few more items in donation bags
-actually donate the donation bags lol (did this before donation centers closed down)
-wash shower curtains
-finish vacuuming cobwebs
-clean silverware tray

ugh no don’t make me:
-Clean inside of the oven ughhhhhhhh
-Stretch goal: pull fridge out from wall and vacuum coils


We cleaned the inside of the freezer and the cat eating areas. Next up for cleaning is tidying and mopping the laundry.


I mopped! I finally didn’t have any school stuff to think about today and swept, mopped, and vacuumed the whole upstairs! All that’s left is the bathroom surfaces and the upstairs is clean—decluttering and organizing still to come.

I’m motivated to keep going, but my body has had enough. Tomorrow if I’m not still too sore I’ll finish the bathroom and start on the downstairs—cat litter, sweeping, and vacuuming for cleaning.

Decluttering and organizing will start up again after everything is clean.



Also I did not find the graphing calculators in a box somewhere because my partner already had them in his room in a box so uh…not my problem, haha.

I picked up some more boxes from the storage unit today, so boxing/unboxing continues. These mostly contain novels, notebooks, sketchbooks, music books. Trying to sort useful from not useful, displayable, keepable, get-rid-of-able.

New list:

  • Box/unbox books
  • Find where to place cat furniture, litter box, food, etc.
  • List things to get rid of on Buy Nothing (conservatively - only items that are useful or entertainment like books)
  • Put up shelves or figure out how to hang up the house plants
  • Acquire and apply vinyl window coverings to bedroom
  • Cut and hem found curtains
  • Fix clogged bathtub (not allowed to use Draino, contacting landlord for approved methods; landlord not able to perform maintenance as he is considered high risk)

I swear, every time I complete items from my list, I find two more!


I use a product called Green Gobbler, it’s supposed to be gentler on old pipes (which is what I have), maybe that’s an option?

This stuff, though it looks like they have some other products. I have bought it at Home Depot and at Ace Hardware:


Ooh, thank you for this! I had mostly written off environmentally friendly plumbing chemicals because all the ones I’ve used in the past also require you to mix it up yourself, and I just do not have the space or equipment (re: BUCKET) for that anymore. I’ll run this by him!


I don’t actually know how environmentally friendly it is :joy: but it seemed like the best option to me at the time? Caveat, I’ve actually never used it to clear a completely clogged drain, I just use it every few months sort of proactively (since breaking my old pipes would have been really expensive to fix). :wink:


I suspect that I’ll have to do the very unpleasant chore of snaking the damn thing, which is just unfair because it started off this way when I moved in and I don’t want to have to buy another thing.


I’d rather not be ankle-deep in water when I shower, even when I use my faucet’s water saving setting in between rinsing.


When I first moved in my bathroom sink was super duper slow draining and the drain clog stuff didn’t really help that much (it helped some, maybe I should have kept using it a few more times), and I thought that I had snaked it adequately, and then months later I tried snaking it again and there was lots of hair in it (that wasn’t my hair!) and after that it was 100% better! The snaking wasn’t actually even that hard, I guess I just didn’t do it well enough the first time. I guess that’s just to say, maybe it won’t be that bad?

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Hahaha I hope you’re right!

I’m just being a baby about it. If I put my chem goggles on, I’m sure I’ll be fine. There’s something about that barrier and mindset that protects my mind from most gross-out factors.




Landlord is very unhelpful at the moment. His email reply was to remove the cover over the drain (there isn’t one) and remove whatever is under that because “there might be hair.” Okay dude, I guess I’m on my own here. Also, still gross. (Also, will get over the gross. Just give me a day or two. I’m being a weenie right now.)

Listed many things on the Buy Nothing group! See Tiny Complaints for people not following directions :woman_facepalming:t2:


Removing my own gross from drains is TOTALLY different than removing other people’s gross from drains that only recently became mine. :nauseated_face:


Cat litter done, swept the stairs, vacuumed the hallway–cleaning the downstairs is done except for putting away my clothes and then I can switch to decluttering/organizing.

And sewing, which will result in the opposite of cleaning, but will get some of the project fabric off my sewing table, which counts as organizing. Right?

I wish I could take the tub of consignment stuff to the store and empty it. Better yet, I really wish I could get the then-two empty tubs back to my friend who sent them up full of baby clothes, but that would require traveling and that would mean that things are back to normal, social-distancing-wise. And that is not the case, alas. The tub full of consignment stuff can live in my car for now. In the mean time I need to accept the ongoing social-distancing order and find an out-of-the-way place for the empty tub to live for that hopeful future day of getting to be normal again.


I actually did a good 90 minutes of cleaning yesterday! Mostly in the kitchen, a little rearranging outside, laundering grody dogblankets, and sweeping and neatening up the part of the living room devoted to workout stuff. There’s some deep organizing I didn’t touch, nor did I really scour nooks and crannies outside the kitchen, but it felt like a meaningful start!


Sewing area decluttering is going well. Several projects finished and put away, several finished and put into the formerly-empty storage tub–it has a purpose again!–and several in various states of advancement toward finishing. Which has helped clean out an entire cube of fabrics which has now been converted to storage for some of my clothes to keep upstairs. Which is handy because a) makes changing out of my jammies at noon easier than going back downstairs to the bedroom, and b) will make living on one floor slightly easier after baby after a tip from a friend.

Next step, re-do cat litter :frowning_face: because for some reason that keeps getting messy again, and get through the backlogged laundry so that I can have clean sheets on the bed and extra sheets upstairs for couch-sleeping if required.

And I really need to spring clean the last of my to-do list for work: three emails to colleagues, three emails to students, and three peer observations to write. I can tackle all of that tomorrow if I just sit down and do it, but this is where the motivation is seriously lacking. Possibly…no, probably…no, definitely due to anxiety about getting enough done over the next year to make a case for tenure.


I cleaned out our study nook! I still have piles to go through, but I actually have a clear desk space to work now. My back and hips had started yelling at me for working on the armchair for long periods.


I have a new bestie who needs a name. We’re going to have so much fun.



Bunny! After dust bunnies.

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