Small Things You Did Today to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Also a library.


It’s my favourite gym. I’m glad that they used your container!

Gave away another set of produce bags to a teammate who had asked me about how Plastic Free July works and how to replace things like milk in plastic jugs and disposable sanitary pads. Woo!

Brought breakfast, lunch and snacks to work even though it means eating very boring food, because I didn’t have the energy to cook anything decent. Even if I refuse cutlery etc, buying lunch means generating some waste, so bringing my own is avoiding waste as well as the unnecessary expenditure.


To clarify, are we talking a shopping centre with all these things and a gym. Or a gym with a thai restaurant and library inside it? Like between reps I can peruse the books or grab a pad thai?

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Like a classic Canadian community centre with a pool, a gym, a library, probably an arena… And then some genius realized that people like Thai food better than questionable hot dogs, weak hot chocolate and overpriced dusty chips


Ah, I’m getting a picture now. That does sound good.

We have similar ones here run by the council, except ours go in for the hot chips and questionable food. I am uber jealous of the Thai.

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I think that ô should suggest my local one converts it’s thingy to Thai food. Or Vietnamese, or Indian. I’m quite flexible

On topic, I hung dry my laundry today


It’s even easier to start with someone else’s starter :wink:

I am in the process of making my own pizza dough, which will hopefully avoid ever getting takeout pizza or buying pre-made, plastic-wrapped pizza dough ever again!

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Hung my “clothesline” as referenced in my journal (guilt guilt guilt) and hung laundry instead of using my gas dryer.

I love doing pizza dough, you can use Artisan Bread in 5 dough with no rise (other than the initial countertop rise)! (I realize I sound like a shill for them, lol.) But sourdough pizza dough would be lovely too, and more digestible! Are you doing sourdough?

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I love making pizza dough! I feel so much better after eating my own pizza than anything I can buy out. I think the cold ferment changes something about the final product that agrees more with my guts.

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I did use sourdough–I ended up with the King Arthur sourdough-discard recipe. I read the Artisan Bread in 5 recipe when you posted the link (in @Ckni27’s journal I think), but it sounded finicky! What if I don’t have a container with a lid? (I do, but is it the right size?) What if I don’t have a pizza stone or a peel? How do I magically pull off an 8-ounce piece without a bunch of weighing+taking out/adding?

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Oh, it’s super not finicky! Maybe it comes across that way if you jump into it not from having done the bread first (or read the book?). I’m not sure. I don’t have a container with a lid, I use a bowl and I was using a piece of plastic wrap just laid over the top, but I think an inverted plate would work just as well. The size just needs to be big enough to hold the dough. It probably doubles in size during the rise.) I do have a pizza stone but no peel - I put it on a piece of parchment paper on a cutting board, and then slide the ready pizza onto the pizza stone (carefully) when putting it in the oven. But a baking sheet would probably work just as well. (With bread I also use parchment and just pull it out from under the loaf the last 10 or 15 minutes.) I don’t weigh anything, I just approximate by whatever fruit size they mention (it looks like the website doesn’t mention, but in the books all the recipes will say like “the size of an orange”, “the size of a small peach”, “the size of a canteloupe”, etc for the various types of breads. I just checked my notes - for the basic pizza dough it says 1/2 lb = the size of a small orange.) With breads, most of the recipes make 4 2-lb loaves. I usually halve the dough recipe (so it will make 2 loaves) and then when baking just use half of the total amount there. Sooooo I guess the books are more detailed than the website recipes and are a little more explicit about the process when first doing it. But it really is not finicky at all (really - when I make their bread I am suuuuuper lazy).


But also - I LOVE the idea of a sourdough discard recipe because lord knows I have enough of that (lol).

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Funny–I feel like I’m only feeding Bunhilde to get discard for pancakes and pizza dough and crackers, since she does just fine in the fridge!

Maybe I’ll check out the Artisan Bread book sometime. My library has it. I may also have an inherent bias against it because when it says “five minutes a day” I think “great, I can take five minutes after putting the baby to bed” but what it really means is “one minute, then wait, then one minute, then wait, etc.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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… I just want to note that I want this. What a fantastic thing, all the best stuff right by each other.


It’s so nobody has to go outside.

My city’s downtown buildings are connected by tunnels and glassed-in foot bridges so you can go almost anywhere without going outside. I entertain fantasies of connecting my house to this network.

Or, you know, living in an apartment building that is connected, one day.


I made my non-dairy yogurt with raspberries picked from my own backyard. Also, I buy a big container of unsweetened yogurt and make my own, rather than buying individual servings, which saves a little plastic.


I want to green up my investments. Tonight I’m doing research. It turns out that there isn’t a Canadian green energy ETF to make my life easy. I’m reading up on a ton of companies and flagging the ones that I could support. (pro tip: if you are an oil company with a small green energy department you don’t belong on the green stocks list. Do better, people who make these lists)

I don’t like buying individual stocks so transitioning to green investments will be a process, but I’ve started.

(can anyone think of other unambiguously ethical sectors that I could invest in, to stay diversified?)