
Noooooooo :sob::sob::sob:


Sorry. UV Radiation - The Skin Cancer Foundation.

We can recommend sunscreens?


I have some. I guess I just need to use it all the time :sob:


Just slap some on every morning and feel so proud of yourself for being such a GOOD PERSON who does such good, responsible things. :smiley:


Hahaha I am expecting SO MUCH PRAISE next time I see you!


Lol if you like em, wear em! I am an autumnal person and got mine done because while i can Art i cannot Fashion. And was like “why does literally everything i wear make me a lil ghost”. So yeah. Go for those golds and rock them with a black top or whatever floaties thy boaties


I’ve always wanted to get my colors done! I have the hardest time with makeup colors and I have tried endlessly to figure out what I am and I can never tell, lol. With clothing I just hold it up to my face and if I look like a witch or the ghost of a sickly victorian girl it’s a no. If I look glowy it’s a yes. But it would be nice to know my official colors.


Oooh, yes, I can wear almost all colors but there is this one shade of cool pink in particular that makes me look like I just rose from the dead and started walking around mumbling about braaaaains.


this made me swoon and preen. i always want to dye my dark brown hair blue black to get even MORE snow white/wonder woman-y.

i do have the dark hair/light skin high contrast coloring. but i have golden flecks in my eyes and my hair looks like it has a red sheen in the sun, so sometimes i wonder if i’m some kind of autumnal/wintery cusp. i look good in fall colors like teal and burgundy and olive green – i think possibly even better than in cool pastels? but i look bad in brown, the most fall color of all, and my very best look, i think, is bold black and white patterns, which is totally a winter thing.

i guess i contain multitudes!!


Ooh sounds like you’ve got same colouring as my mum!


Hah! Exactly. Pastels make me look like I’m on the way out, lol.


Wow, I love your taste but I am amazed to learn that we have exact opposite criteria for choosing clothes.


this truly made me laugh out loud :laughing::mage:

it reminds me of


There was some sunscreen discussion above, so this feels relevant. On a whim I tried the Trader Joes daily facial sunscreen and it’s really good! I typically wear EltaMD UV clear which I do think is better for waterproof/super sweaty activities, but for a daily sunscreen where intense exercise isn’t involved, the TJ’s one is nice…and it’s like $8. It’s also super matte, doesn’t have a cast, and doesn’t break me out (and everything breaks me out). My only complaint is the sensory experience of actually putting it on is kind of creepy…it’s like a powdery gel consistency and gives me spine shivers haha but once it’s on I really like it!


My Velvet Affair lipstick arrived and it, too, looks much better on me when blended with Velvet Fawn. Actually I think it’s slightly better than Velvet Muse blended with Fawn because it’s more orange than pink and goes better with my skin tone. But it means I don’t have a one-stop shop if I just want to keep a single lipstick in my purse!

At least I didn’t waste any money buying any (expensive!) lipsticks that I just don’t like, and I’m able to get colors that look very good on me with a little extra work. I would not have worn Velvet Fawn on its own.

That Paula’s Choice discoloration serum is really working and the two big dark spots on my face have faded significantly!!


The Paula’s Choice wrinkle reduction serum works but I appear to be allergic to it! I was putting it under my eyes and I’m getting patchy skin which after googling appears to be contact dermatitis.

@noitsbecky @MonkeyJenga do you want to try it, or should I offer it up on BN?


Heck yeah, I’ll take it! Thanks! I’m sorry it gave you trouble.


Yay, hope it works for you! If I don’t see you before then I’ll bring it to the Nickel Creek concert :slight_smile:


Sounds good, but I’d prefer to see you before then!

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Wait when is nickel creek coming here?!? I only saw Portland MAINE on the tour list. They’re coming to our Portland???