
Yayyy! This is the kind of update I live for, haha! I’m so glad you found one you like, and that color sounds fantastic. You get on with your seductress red self :wink:


When I wear makeup day-to-day I don’t usually put anything on my skin (no concealer, foundation, blush, etc.). I just do a bit of liner, mascara, fill in brow patches if I need to, and lip color, so I can easily reapply spf if I need to, but I’m pretty sure some bb creams have a bit of spf so that might work! The only time I do full makeup on my skin, like concealer and stuff, is for special occasions like weddings or evening dates somewhere really fancy, etc. For day wear I always do the sunscreen underneath and I usually don’t re-apply :woman_shrugging:

I did just get an amazing new sunscreen though! I was using one I liked for ages, but endo and I finally got my hormones under control and that oddly changed how my skin reacted to it, so I can’t use it anymore. Anyway, I found a new one and it’s AMAZING. It’s a serum sunscreen, which I didn’t even know existed. I highly recommend it for other people with very dry skin:


I guess I don’t really understand what you mean by stacking. Like what goes on first? Or the question of reapplying sunscreen if you’re wearing foundation?

What I do is use my skincare stuff first- vitamin c, glycolic acid, serum, moisturizer and then my sunscreen. I try to let that set/dry down before I go in with makeup, so I go do other stuff like get dressed, etc. Then I put on makeup. Which is sometimes a bb cream and sometimes it’s just a glowy primer and powder foundation. I’m not very good at making myself wear real foundation, I don’t know why. I don’t usually reapply sunscreen during the day unless I’m spending the day outdoors and in that case, I’m usually not wearing any foundation.

But there is sunscreen in a powder form if you want to reapply sunscreen without messing up makeup. I have a couple that I occasionally use.


OMG I’ve never spent so much money on skincare in my life!

I bought a Paula’s Choice discoloration serum for my age spot and new dark spot after picking at a zit (not even a bad zit!) and it’s only been a week but it looks like it’s helping! The bottle was almost $50 but I had a 15% off coupon and a little goes a long way. She was offering bonus stuff if I spent $50 so I also got a trial size of wrinkle repair serum. It seems to be a great product, too! Now I have to be careful about sun exposure so that the dark spots don’t get darker. I joked with Marmalade that I’m going to turn into one of those Asian women with a face visor :joy:

Also, I am spending $$$ on lipstick, after previously owning a free Clinique lipstick for the last 15 years (the one you all made me throw out haha). I got a seductive red one for 75% off at Pharmaca, but then I wanted a lipstick that I could use just for a bit of daily color. Someone (@AllHat?) had mentioned Lisa Eldridge and I got a Velvet Muse lipstick after researching the hell out of Asian beauty blogs, but thought it was a bit too saturated berry on me. Then I got Velvet Fawn but it was too pale and brown. But it turns out that if I mix the two I get the perfect color! I hope she comes out with the in-between color in the future. I just ordered Velvet Affair which is more orange than pink but hopefully still pretty neutral, and if that’s a good color on me I’ll just keep it in my purse. I really like that the Lisa Eldridge lipsticks have no scent. The MAC lipstick I got before that (gave it to anomalily) smelled like vanilla.


Oh yay! Haha, you know I’m an enabler in this department. Lipstick colors are always tricky because the natural pigment of your own lips will change the color a bit. Mixing two colors is often the solution! I have dark spots too but I’ve just been letting them do their thing, haha, maybe I’ll try that product you mentioned. I think because I already have so many freckles and moles they don’t bother me that much? They kind of blend into my tapestry of random colors, lol.

I nearly spit out my tea.


I’m excited for you! It’s so fun to figure out which products are the ones for you. And you’re not alone in blending lipsticks to make the perfect color. Luckily, Paula’s choice runs plenty of sales so you should never need to pay full price for anything—I never have!


Mine is an age spot and it’s big, and so is the zit scar :sob: They’re like dark blotches and make me feel unattractive. I don’t want to look like my mom!!

I didn’t know that so many people blend lipsticks!

Yay! I like discounts :smiley:


You like discounts?! Since when!! Lol




Not to mom you or anything, (totally momming you here!) but do you wear daily sunscreen? A good place to start, if you’re not already doing that.

Paula’s Choice has good products.

It’s fun that you’re getting into lipsticks. You started with high-end stuff and that’s cool but if you ever just want to experiment without dropping so much money, this line from e.l.f. is a pretty good dupe for higher-end lipsticks but it’s a lot less expensive than what you’ve been buying.


Aren’t you the official forum mom? Isn’t your JOB momming us all?


Haha, I guess so. I still don’t fully see myself that way but then I do see it in what I write so, yeah. :joy:


lisa eldridge is my queen!!! i am wearing velvet blush as we speak – it is the perfect my lips but better color on me.

in related news i got “my colors” done last week and they came back “true winter” which is 100% cool colors, and gold/mustard/orange are not within them.

but dagnabbit no one is going to be able to convince me that i don’t look good in gold eyeliner and peachy blush because I JUST DO.


I posted this on the unfuck your space thread, but I thought I’d follow up here as well. I finally cleaned off and organized my messy vanity!

(I still need to clean out that middle drawer, though. I shoved a bunch of “do not want to misplace” papers in there when we moved over a year ago and haven’t found new homes for them yet.)


I don’t but I’m totally going to be better about it this summer! I’m usually not outside all that much except in the summer.


I can’t really think of human coloring that would look bad in those, honestly. Especially the gold eyeliner.
I bet you rock a pink blush, too. I can definitely see that you are a winter. You’ve got that Snow White look.


How does this work?

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i paid this lady some money and sent her some pictures and she told me! i really like her books, too.



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Well now not to mom you or anything (hahaha!) but you do have windows in your house. I know, I know, I sound ridiculous. But the rays that come from sunlight that cause aging get through to us even on cloudy days. I know most days around here 3/4 of the year don’t feel like sunscreen days but if you’re concerned about how the sun ages your skin and sunspots than you might want to rethink what sunscreen days are. Every day you are above ground is a sunscreen day, in my opinion. UVA rays cause aging and UVB rays cause burning (I can remember this because a for aging and b for burning) so if you care about aging, sunscreen is your friend. Looks cuter than a visor at least. :wink: