
Yes! So her hair is less curly than mine in the video thumbnail but if you watch all the way through she had ringlets when she was doing a more modern haircare routine (like I do). I think the weight of her length has pulled some curl out but she’s def a curly girl! There are lots of interesting comments too, many from black women on the crossover for black hair care and curly not-black/mixed/etc. hair care.


Ooh thank you! I look forward to watching it. My hair is probably a fair bit curlier than that but I remain forever hopeful that my options aren’t only “horrible tangled mess” or “buy litres of conditioner every month”…


Winter hand cream. What is everyone’s go to?

I think body shop hemp is the best I’ve found, and I need some.

Super cool! I do a lot of this except with modern hair products. But my hair is wavy not curly. Question though… I’ve read that hair has lots of bactrial build up lol… it freaks me out to not use soap for that reason?


We’re literally billions of bacterial cells already. If they’re good bacteria then there’s no worry. Humans aren’t meant to be sterile systems.


Yes, I thought I’d seen your curls! You have more of a tight spiral, right? I think lots of it would still apply- maybe a combination of what she says and the advice in the comments. So far today I am stopping wet detangling. I did castor oil last night, used a little shampoo today, no conditioner, and rinsed with apple cider vinegar. After shower I added a little castor oil back in and I’l let you know how it is dried. I’m nervous about dry detangling!

I’m not worried about bacteria, but your hair is so different to mine I feel like you might have more issues with oil buildup? My understanding is that straight and super thick hair like yours (your hair is GORGEOUS btw) has a lot more oil so maybe you would have to rinse it out more often. Curly hair is wayyy drier, like most curly people don’t ever have “greasy” looking hair even if we wash like once a week or less. So maybe in terms of schedule you’d have to do it more often. But there are LOTS of historical instructions for straight hair, almost all of them are for straight hair- this is the first curly one I’ve ever seen, so I bet they can teach you more! I think brushing is important for you hair type too, which of course you can’t do with curls, and I think that might help with distributing your scalp oil throughout your hair.


I think I may buy myself a boar bristle brush, like today. My ends are very dry. I also have an extremely oily scalp. I’m obviously washing every day, so none of the oil reaches my ends. My hair length is touching mid shoulder blades. I haven’t actually done a hair test but I think that I must have low porosity hair. Its not for lack of moisturizing product but it just feels like straw🫣 i think that’s why my head is an oil slick — my theory is its not necessarily the amount of oil from my scalp, but my hair won’t absorb any of it and it just sits there?


yes I am all overthe boar bristle!!! and thank you, i did nothing to achieve this hair but am happy to receive compliments on it lol


I don’t know if you’re grossed out by a used hairbrush but I bought a Mason Pearson one that was super expensive and I barely use it, and I could send it to you. You’re not supposed to get it wet, so I can’t wash it with soap. It comes with a little cleaning tool to pull out trapped lint and hair. I think maybe it works more effectively on dry hair, which mine is not.

I don’t think hair is supposed to be porous but the purpose of the boar bristle is to evenly distribute the oils from your scalp down to the ends!

This was really interesting! I went through a long phase in college of not washing my hair…I think I actually went 6 months at one point, and I would wet my hair and detangle in the shower, but after about 2 weeks completely stopped using conditioner or any hair products. Basically the oils from my scalp kept my hair from being frizzy or needing conditioner. I stopped doing it though because I hated how my hair texture changed…I personally don’t care for the shiny/greasy/piece-y feeling texture, and I don’t know if it was worse for me because I have very fine/thin curly hair, so it felt like it overwhelmed my hair. I also was sweating like 15-20 hours a week, haha, so I think that made it “feel” more gross. It is nice not to have to use products though! I also think my hair was probably subjectively “healthier” then, but I didn’t like how it felt or looked (I missed my defined ringlets a lot!). She also has MUCH thicker hair than me, and I can tell her hair gets tangled more than mine, so I bet this method is perfect for the type of hair she has. My hair doesn’t really tangle because it’s so fine, so I can quickly run my fingers through in the shower in about 10 sec without conditioner, and it’s all smooth.

These days I wash with actual “cleansing oil” shampoo about once every 4-5 weeks. Once a week I use a co-wash type product, after my long/sweaty hikes and then I only condition the first 1-2 times after that…I find that in between enough oil builds up that I don’t need much conditioner after about a week. I also use less and less product the longer I go between shampoos. But I’m still really in love with how my hair looks 2-3 days after a shampoo, so fluffy and soft haha, so it would be hard to let go of that!

I also wonder about hard water and how that would affect her routine. I have super hard water where I live, and I actually use a hard water chelating shampoo every 3-4 months to strip the buildup off my scalp/hair which has hugely changed the look of my hair. I had no idea this was a thing, and I don’t use sulfate shampoo regularly, so I just had tons of build up before I discovered this.


Hard water fully fucked my routine and I’m still trying to work my way back to stuff I like.

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i like caudalie hand and cuticle cream the best.

i got the necessaire one too and it’s also really good! works as well as caudalie but caudalie has a nice gentle smell that i love.


Wow, I’ve heard of those. I would see if maybe a hair dresser wants it/Buy Nothing? Especially someone who has a smaller business and does house calls or such, I’m sure they would know how to clean it. I can’t be trusted with nice things so I’ll pass. Amazon has some for $5-10 but now I’m asking myself if its worth it to organize 3 different (in addition to my regular brush and comv) tools in my very small bathrooom.


I just got the Necessaire hand cream and am really liking it.

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I’ll keep it, I do use it sometimes but if you were looking to get a boar bristle brush I thought I’d offer it to you :slight_smile:

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Oh wow! I’m amazed your hair is so easy to detangle because visually our curls look really similar. Mine gets SO tangled that breakage is a huge issue, especially the back of my head (even though I wear a bonnet and protective style at night!). I’m really hoping this helps with that because it’s making it impossible to grow my hair longer. I have all these short pieces from breakage and now even a bald patch :frowning: bums me out.

I think my texture is pretty similar to the girl in the video (not as thick though) because her younger ringlet videos definitely look like me. I can see my texture is a little different today (with no products in, no conditioner, etc.) but I really like it so far. Honestly anything that stops the tangling and breakage is what I’ll do- even if I lose the ringlets, haha.

What shampoo do you use? I know you’ve told me before but we’ve established I have the memory of a goldfish.


My hair flattens really easily, like if I pull it back in a ponytail, the texture/curl completely disappears on the top of my head. I don’t have that “wavy/crimped” texture when it’s pulled back at all, except the curls at the end of my hair. Even when it’s down, I don’t have a lot of curl happening at the top/back of my head, so maybe that is a factor too? When it was shorter I had more curls, and a little bit more tangling happening, but it’s finally past my collarbones (yay!) so my curls are much looser now. My main issue is I refuse to stop wearing high ponytails, and I have a ton of breakage from that, but I can’t stand having my hair down :joy:

I use Ouidad Cleansing Oil shampoo. I love it, it’s like a holy grail product for me. It’s the only shampoo that doesn’t leave my hair feeling “squeaky”. I also really love the As I Am Coconut Cowash (it’s also super affordable!). I’ve been using both of these products for years, although I don’t feel like they work as well as they used to now that my water is sooooo hard. I’m hoping to get a shower water softener soon though because I am over the constant bad hair days!


That totally makes sense, because most of my tangling happens near my scalp. LMK if the water softener works! I’m going to forge ahead on this strange natural historic hair tangent and just…see what happens?


Fun! Exploration! Adventure awaits!