No, I have to check every day!!!
Aw! Is it really cold enough that she needs a sweater?
Sometimes! Ha! She loves the sun and sleeps better with a blanket. Must be that thin fur despite her inner layers! Mostly not quite cool enough yet, but we’re ready for fall.
We had a nasty winter vortex last year (feet of snow combined with many days of below 0F temps).
Doggos got sweaters last year
Is it weird that I just spent a couple minutes rubbing that puppy belly on my screen with one finger?
Not weird at all. I would have done the same, if I hadn’t just rubbed da puppy belly in person.
See, I rubbed the cat belly, since it’s the only time I’m safe from allergies and kitty assault.
The bittersweet cuteness of Tink in her favorite chair while the 'rents leave her to do who knows what elsewhere.
What a gorgeous kitty!
So majestic!
She’s like a calico wearing tortie pajamas!
With white mittens!