Much clearer, thank you. Be sure to let him know you took a picture that made him look the size of a sleek black panther. I’m sure he’ll approve.
Lil smooshed face and one ear tip.
This is current foster cat! He is a VERY loud boi and yowls 15 hours a day. He only stops when he is sleeping, eating, or being pet. Seriously. But he’s also a very good boy.
IME, the way to treat said cats is to carry them around singing to them while you do stuff. Then they just do conversational yows. Also they respond well to baby wearing and being bffs
Oh boy. Is this the one of the bonded pair whose brother died? He sounds like he has anxiety.
World’s saddest game of Marco Polo. He wants to be best friends with Tiny Cat but she doesn’t care one way or the other about him and we can’t leave him out unsupervised because he eats her (prescription) food.
Life is hard for poor catto.
I wish!! He’s super squirmy though. Doesn’t like to be still.
What a good couch guardian.