Real estate ogling

Right? Might be a fun place to rent for a family reunion or something.

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I kept scrolling through the huge hotel-like decor, then bam! Star Wars room!


Plus: “ The fun doesn’t end there, this house is specially equipped with a whole house LASER TAG for everyone to play!! ”


Holy shit I didn’t realise how much I missed it and wow has it only been around 5 years?! My god. I had to stop myself from cackling hysterically and waking the baby.


Beautiful fancy house, disappointing backyard, unless I missed a photo?
8 St Albans Avenue, Highgate, WA 6003

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No backyard? Long sprawly house. Some paved courtyard in the middle.

$3.25mil and no grass or backyard? Tell em they’re dreamin’. If I had that money to spend it wouldn’t be in this place. However lovely it is.


So this is on my street (the house I got the cast iron bench seat from)

Big block but maybe slightly small to subdivide, likely to sell for over $1mil (and then some probably) which is a lot to spend to knock it down but the existing house is fine but not that nice. Weird empty backyard with French doors that open to sort of nothing? And I fly screens? How do they live in that house? Must be mossie and fly central.


I’m a big fan of the stained glass (though I agree that not having a backyard is sad!)

It was really fun to just set the house price to $3mill+ and scroll through the houses in my city.


That ones a splitter. Over 20m frontage will get you an easy two 10+m width blocks in Brissie. Sure it’ll net sub 400sqm blocks, but that won’t be a problem based on minimal size requirements IIRC. There were ~250sqm blocks selling when we lived up there.


Yeah I’ll keep an eye on the DA website and object. I hate small lots. Stupid council doesn’t follow its own planning scheme. Make two small lots then people build giant houses on them and I have to dodge their kids playing footy on the front lawn and street because they don’t have a backyard. Not to mention zero extra funding or planning for local schools etc with the infill development.

Edit: I checked the zoning and it’s a low density residential zone which has a minimum lot size of 400m2 for front lots. That isn’t to say they’ll try to get around it anyway. But two 325m2 blocks would be rude.

A nearby subdivision bought 1m or so of the neighbours property along the side to get to 800m2.


Wow. I can’t decide if one person was in charge of all the Star Wars rooms and another person was in charge of the other rooms or what. When they leaned into the theme they leaned hard, but then the rest of the rooms are the usual hotel sanitized non-personality feel.


Circling back to this…went to the auction today…sold for $1,455,000. That is slightly over double what we paid less than three years ago. It is not twice the land or house.


Brisbane has gone silly. We purchased our place about the same time as you for quite a bit less than our max budget and I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t be able to afford it at all today. :pensive:


Word is its due to the exodus of Victorians to QLD due to Covid lock downs. We’ve had a >40,000 headcount that have headed north.


Yup, we couldn’t afford to live in our street. Well we could have but would have needed a bigger deposit and would be paying back a lot more.

That’s a small city’s worth! Our house value has maybe gone up 20% over the past 3+ years, if I trusted the valuation that was part of our refinance. But nobody can get in here…

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The winners were a family with thing primary school age kids. So I guess that’s something? I couldn’t tell if from Victoria or not.
Suddenly living on a million dollar street.

I just can’t see stop thinking about how wild it is to spend that much on a fairly unremarkable house.


I just did a quick search and found a house for 1.2mill near me, on a 450sqm block. Nicer than ours and new-ish but not ridiculously fancy from what I can tell at a glance, some space on a second floor but not a proper 2 story house and 3 bed/2 bath.


Ours was a million dollar street when we purchased, because the street cuts across two suburbs and there are some fancy houses in the wealthier end. If our house had an address in the other suburb (200m away) it would have cost us $150-200k more when we bought, such is suburb snobbery?

Still not a $1M house today. If anyone wanted to pay $1M for our house I’m not even sure what that would mean. No one paying $1M for a house in today’s money should be walking outside in the rain to get to their laundry and risking knocking themselves unconscious on low beams under the house (not me I’m too short for that). $1M was supposed to mean you are super comfortable?