Random Questions

We used paramount windows and siding last summer to replace one large window as part of our siding project. I appreciated that the estimator looked at all of our windows and told us the others were still in good shape and we shouldn’t spend money replacing them yet.


Can anyone think of a book, movie or tv show where people are changing from indoor to outdoor shoes and it might have a memorable line? At least a clip of it would need to be child appropriate but preferably enough to create an emotion or sense association.


Probably Mr. Rogers Neighborhood (or Daniel Tiger)? I mainly remember the switch from outdoor to in, but there might be one that they use on their way out the door to a field trip or something.


Look, pal, I’m not converting to your Canadian ways, no matter what movie line you throw at me.


Daniel Tiger for whatever reason is failing us. But extensive bathroom break research shows me that Mr. Rogers repeats it in reverse with a different song!

Worth trying! (School wants a transition script).

Still really hoping a non parent would suggest something hilarious too

@Marcela don’t worry! Still running shoes. Just white vs black/purple.


I’m holding out for a Korean drama.


This is the way we put on our shoes put on our shoes put on our shoes…


This is a very random question…

I am going to visit friends who are currently staying in Mexico. My flight will be from Tijuana airport. I have about decided to drive to San Diego and walk over on the CBX bridge. Mostly the problem that it prices out that I wouldn’t save much if I took the 11-12 hr bus trip from where I can park my car, with Phoenix airport or Blythe, CA. I can drive 6 hours to San Diego instead. I’m looking for someplace to park my car. Searches for off site parking for the San Diego airport don’t show my usual chain parking places, such as Parking Spot that I use in Phoenix. I don’t think I want to park in the CBX parking lots for fear of theft/vandalism. There is a shuttle (I think) from the San Diego airport to the CBX.

The question: Does anyone have any familiarity with the area and/or have any recommendations on how to approach this? I’d do the 12 hr ride on the bus but it gets into Tijuana airport around 2AM, which doesn’t seem ideal.

Have you priced a one-way rental car to San Diego?

My kid somehow stuck a pair of headphones in my electric keyboard and broke off the tip. Not only did that render the headphone jack unusable, it also tricks the whole keyboard into thinking headphones are still plugged in, so it won’t send sound out of the speakers.

It’s pretty deep in there. None of my pliers can reach it. Does anyone know else to try or what kind of repairperson to search for?

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I’ve seen people use glue poured into the hole as a way to get the stuck thing out. Your mileage may vary.

I’m coming from Quartzsite, AZ and the closest ‘city’ is Blythe, CA that a friend could drop me off. So far, no rental cars in Blythe. If I rent from Phoenix I have to pay to park my car in Phoenix. Also, adds 4 hours to trip and I’m up to almost as much time as the bus takes with no financial savings.

Mostly at this point I’m looking for safe and reasonably inexpensive places to park near San Diego airport. I’m wondering why there are no chain offsite parking places, and that has me worried there is a bad reason.


There are hotels that are walking distance to the airport. Perhaps some offer parking

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Life insurance/financial question:

My credit union is offering $2,000 life insurance (AD&D) at no cost to me, with an optional addition of $10,000 at $1/month for up to $300,000.

I have no dependents presently, but that may not always be the case. I do frequently send/give money to various family members for irregular needs and emergencies.

At no cost, is there any harm in accepting this plan?

Would it make sense to increase the amount at the given rate?


My CU does something similar. For years I ignored it, then took the free base plan.

No strong feelings about you either taking it at all, or paying for more coverage.


With no dependents there is no need to pay for life insurance. If you have enough to cover your funeral costs, you have enough.

You have lots of other, better ways to spend your money.


Trump has been asked whether he would veto a national abortion ban if it came across his desk. As usual, he did not actually answer the question.

My question is: Is it possible for a national ban to happen? I was under the impression that for the states who have recently passed bills making it legal, that it was a “forever done and unchangeable” thing for that state. Is that true?

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Federal law would conflict with state and I imagine the enforcement therein would depend on the administration. Basically the situation we have now with marijuana.


Technically federal law supersedes state law. But like Marcela pointed to, marijuana is a good analogous situation I think.


There is a Daniel Tiger book where he has a playdate with the platypus family next door and they take off their outside shoes and put on slippers to wear in the house. He thinks it is strange because in his house they wear the shoes inside. They have a whole selection of slippers for guests to choose from when they come over.