Random Questions

This might take a little while but should be within a few minutes at most. When I was in downtown Denver it wasn’t a problem, when I was in more of the suburbs and going from a small hotel to the hospital then depending on the time of day it might take longer for someone to pick up the ride. I think the longest I had to wait was fifteen minutes, though, and that was because a driver took the fair and then cancelled (maybe they misclicked or something else came up, I dunno) and I had to wait on another driver to pick up my ride.

Also usually when they’re doing pick up they’ll say “Rural?” to confirm you’re the person on the other side of the app.

Also their star rating is important to them, and you can do the tip after you get out. Don’t feel like you need to do that ahead or during the ride.


I will have a list for you tomorrow.


Thanks! But also please don’t worry about it if you’re too busy - you have a ton going on!

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It’s fun for me!!!

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I need an easy weeknight dinner meal to make tomorrow that’s good enough to serve to some new friends who we don’t know very well. I’m thinking oven roasted chicken and oven roasted broccoli but could use some inspiration on what to marinade the chicken with and what kind of starch to serve. There will also be a preschooler so adding something extra kid friendly would probably be good.


Dry brine the chicken and stick some herbs under the skin, plus rice?

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Or garlic and lemon are always a winner too.

Or poultry seasoning (sage, rosemary, thyme, maybe parsley).

Either can be done in a compound butter that id rubbed under the skin and also on top of the skin (via basting).

A stuffing / dressing could be made as well.

I’ve never gone wrong with classic olive oil and salt+pepper!

I also love roasted potatoes with chicken (okay with anything but also good with chicken!). If you’re oven roasting the chicken this should be easy to add.

A side salad could be a nice addition too if you want something cold to compliment.

ETA: sorry I’m a day late @Sunflower! What did you go with?

Thanks! My AC isn’t keeping up with the heat wave so we went out to eat instead. Great ideas for next time though!


I like to roast the chicken on a rack above a pan of potatoes, so you get the chicken drippings in the potatoes to make them even tastier.

To be fair though, I also use like a whole stick of butter instead of olive oil, so…I’m definitely not focused on the health of the overall meal.


And carrots, carrots and chicken are a match made in heaven.


I taught myself when I was in college. I started in the shower (my hair was quite long so the weight/pressure of the water helped), with a plain single braid. Once I was good at that I moved on to braiding my hair dry. I don’t really remember how I moved on to French braids, though I actually find Dutch braids easier.

I agree with @Gdogg that trying to do it in the mirror is harder.

I should perhaps mention that I have very small hands and fairly thin hair, so there isn’t that much to braid. I tried to braid my mom’s hair and could not put it in a single braid—there was just too much hair for me to hold! So if you have thick hair, two braids might be easier.

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Looking at myself is a surefire way to failure. Has to be done via feel only.


Chicago Ideas! Note: I am more familiar with the West and Northwest sides of the city, so my suggestions are skewed to those areas

Things to do:

  • Walk around Maggie Daley Park (they have mini golf with tiny Chicago monuments! so cute lol)
  • I assume you’ve been before but The Art Institute is truly a world-class museum
  • Some neat buildings to pop into: Chicago Athletic Association (partially a hotel but several very cool bars and game halls and stuff open to the public, even if you don’t drink you can just walk around!), Chicago Cultural Center, The Poetry Foundation, Newberry Library
  • Lesser known museums/smaller sites of architectural importance: if you’re into Frank Lloyd Wright the Carnley-Persky House is neat, Glessner House often has tours and talks, and I just learned about the Richard H. Driehaus Museum but haven’t been personally (yet!!)
  • The Riverwalk has been completely transformed in the time I’ve lived in the city
  • The Wild Mile is sooooo coooool and I think you can kayak? I think I remember you saying you don’t drink much/at all but that’s right next to Off Color brewing which is very cute

Food–You are unfortunately staying in the best place in the city to get a STEAK lol. But I will do my best to rec some veg-friendly stuff that’s not TOO far away/hard to get to

  • Fulton Market is fun to walk around and there are a ton of great restaurants there: Beatrix (coffee and pastries), Rose Mary (Croatian, I haven’t been but have heard good things), Duck Duck Goat (Chinese, lots of good veggie dishes as well)
  • Take the red line to Chinatown!
  • You’re not too far from Greektown either
  • There are a lot of good donuts downtown? Donut Vault being my favorite. DH is partial to Do-Rite

OK I have procrastinated interview prep long enough. I may come back and add to this


Oh and if you want to see comedy PM me which dates you’re coming and I can ask my comedienne friend what shows would be worth seeing (I am very picky about comedy, I hate bro comedy)


Oh duh you’re seeing Hanna Gadsby never mind! You have comedy covered!


I know this is last minute, but tomorrow (Saturday) is our first street block party since 2019.

What do I bring as my contribution to the potluck?

  • oatmeal cookies
  • banana bread
  • cold noodle salad with bell pepper, green onions, cilantro, nuac cham
  • pureed coconut curry soup in paper cups
  • something else

It’s the banana bread for me. :melting_face:


Something that doesn’t need a plate or cutlery. Cookies would be my go to from that list.


Rice Krispies treats - super easy and gluten free!