Random Questions

Our teams are abysmal and you won’t be near either field but if you want to go to a game I can help with that

In the burbs and basically requires a car to visit, so that’s out

We have these but they’re quite far from where you’ll be staying! And I think they’re best when you can’t enjoy the outdoors, which you should be able to do during this time of year!


Not really - we have a pretty diverse food scene where we live. Anything veggie-centric would likely be good!

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How does one Uber? Do you pay in the app? I’d really be nervous giving a credit card to an Uber driver, I think. And do you tip the same way? How much?

Could anyone walk me through the Uber process like I’d never done it before (because I haven’t)? This will be for travelling; we didn’t suddenly get ridesharing around my neck of the woods or anything.


french braids are easier to do if your hair isn’t squeaky clean, or if it is wet. I agree with the comment that I only focus on the two outer pieces of the braid and let the middle drop, picking it up after I’ve passed the bottom piece off.

Is your hair long enough to braid by itself (not as a French braid)? If you can braid from the nape of neck or a pony tail, I’d practice doing that without looking/behind your head, and once you have that movement, switching it to just do a braid of the crown, not pulling in any of the sides. Once you can do the basic braiding movement behind your head, then moving to a French braid and taking the additional pieces in is easier. Start really chunky and don’t worry about evenness.


It’s pretty straightforward…when you download the app you give them a credit card to link to your address (‘them’==uber-the-company, and I don’t think they’ll let you use the app without a valid card, although I’ve had a card linked for years so I can’t say I’ve tested that recently).

You book a ride by entering a pickup address (or I think you can turn on location on your phone and just say ‘here,’ although if you’re going from an airport or something like that you probably do need to go to the designated uber pickup spot) and where you want to go, and then a driver will accept the fare. You should be able to see their rating and also accept/decline them, and if you accept you get their name/license place number/car info. They pick you up/drop you off and the credit card associated with your ride pays them, and you should have the option to rate/tip them at that point too.


You download the app and I’ll Pm screenshots


Mine is hooked up to my Venmo, so you don’t need a credit card necessarily


How anonymous do you think you are on this forums? Other forums? Do we even try to be anonymous? Or do you go to great lengths to be anonymous?

I do not attempt to be anonymous here, on other forums, on Reddit, etc.


I’m anonymish. I do go to some lengths not sharing location specifics publicly (several ppl here know all about me from DMs) because I live in my forever home in a very sparsely populated area.

But if someone wanted to creeper me on here, they’d figure it out, I think.


Well I just sent you my location and several places I’ve been lately. You can even see where G had the snip!

I go for a bit findable but you need to do some creepy work or have earned my trust. I’ve made mistakes with overshares or trusting a wrong person but I choose trust


Someone who knew me could easily identify me but I keep my name and face and specific location private (I have been open about general neighborhood). I used to anonymize my cats’ names but now I don’t care anymore, but I did remove their photos from my Facebook profile so that you can’t make that connection anymore.

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Far less so because of my actual in person connections. fb will regularly recommend forum members I have no mutual friends with. So big tech definitely knows :sweat_smile: I think being part of the actual Portland grouping makes me far, far less anonymous. Still, I don’t post “easy info” like names, faces, places.


my various Firefox add-ons just skipped me past an in-video ad read. So nice.


I wondered about Paypal - so this answers that question.


September is my favorite month in Chicago! I definitely support the architecture tour. The Chicago Architecture Center tour is generally regarded as the “best” but I think they’re all pretty decent.
Ethiopian is very veg friendly! We like Demera, and it’s right by an El stop. I’ve also heard really good things about the Chicago Diner for veg, but I haven’t been there.
If you’re brave, the lake can even be warm enough to dip in during September :slight_smile:


Chicago has great architecture. I guess I’ve never thought about an architecture tour, that would be something I’d enjoy and Chicago isn’t that far away. I should put that on my to do list. Take a train to Chicago. Stay a couple nights. Come home on the train From St. Louis.

, we think of our architecture as “little “Chicago although it’s really more like Baltimore and Pittsburgh


Take this one. I’ve done it as a local and learned things!

Do you guys do non-art museums? The Shedd Aquarium and Field Museum are worth a look, and very near each other.

Visit the lakefront/beach if it’s nice. Skip Navy Pier though.

What kind of food do you like? I saw pizza is no go or else I’d recommend Lou Malnati’s.


It is such a cool way to see the city because the river goes right through the giant skyscrapers. I haven’t done a tour in…15ish years…and am actually hoping to go on one this fall myself. Ramona - if you don’t end up with time to fit in a tour, you can also take a water taxi to get the amazing views from the water, but you miss out on all of the cool details about the buildings you’re passing.


I love ethopian food! Thanks for the suggestions!


Thanks for the tour intel!

I’ve been to both the shedd aquarium and field museum and enjoyed both. Those will be good rainy day options, thanks!

I like lots of different kinds of food, as long as it’s vegetarian. My mom is trickier and would rule out things that are too “exotic”. She also won’t eat many carbs. She likes salads and vegetable side dishes, especially if they are presented in a fancy way. I’ve taken her to a tapas place that she liked. Or we did a vegetarian tasting menu at a farm-to-table type restaurant that she enjoyed. Fancy presentation and small portions are her jam.