Random Questions

I was team firefox for quite a while. Transition back is super easy. The computer is so much happier, fan not chugging.


I switched to Firefox yesterday because of this forum. There are some hiccups that I’m not happy with, but that’s the nature of change. In the end it will maybe be worth it.

Do people have a best add on to block YouTube ads without YouTube having a hissy fit each time?


I have added Privacy Badger, SponsorBlock, AdBlock Plus and AdGuard Adblocker

Youtube is not complaining and I have not seen an ad.


And my twitch games (Squardle, Nerdle, Waffle) are all running cleanly


I sometimes watch YouTube on the Brave browser with adblockers and I don’t think YouTube has a fit very often. It has bugged me about adblockers but not every time.

That said, I typically watch YouTube via the the FreeTube app, which I have downloaded on my laptop. The best part is watching YouTube without ads. You can subscribe to channels on the app but as far as I can tell, you can’t like or comment (you don’t log into an account on FreeTube). This is meant to be a plus because it doesn’t allow YouTube to track what you watch, but that may or may not appeal to you,


I have been using invidious to watch YouTube without ads. Not sure how much longer it will stick around though.


uBlock Origin is what I use with firefox on my home computer, and when youtube/google started being stupid it was updated to deal with it within a couple days. My work computer has Ghostery running with Chrome (not my choice of browsers, but not actually my computer) and it was doing fine as of yesterday afternoon, but the last time youtube/google rolled out changes for ad blocking it took a long time for them to catch up.


Has anyone learned how to French braid their own hair as an adult? I didn’t grow up learning how to do basically anything with my hair, and I’ve had friends braid my hair at various times, but every time I have tried to learn, I get frustrated because my hands just…don’t do that. And my hair is really curly which complicates things. Anyone found a helpful video or trick to do it on your own head? It just seems impossible?


I can’t answer this directly, as I can already do some braids on myself including french/dutch braids, but I have recently been trying more complex braids. I absolutely can do them on another person, but doing them on myself it is really challenging to translate the “in front of you” motions of the hands, to “behind you” motions of the hands, being sort of reversed but not really. (I think it will also help to be able to see how smooth or messy the sections are, which is difficult to tell just by feel right now). I have considered getting one of those mirrors you can extend out and behind you, so that I can reflect it back into my front mirror and see what the hands are doing so that I can link the feeling to the result. I think it might help?


Unfortunately, I still can’t French braid my own hair. I can do plenty of braids on other people (and on horses) but my own? Just plain braid down the back. :frowning:

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I can French braid my own hair if I’m doing two down the sides of my head, and it still looks better when I can use a multi-pane mirror that tilts so I can see around my whole head. One French braid down the back of my head is at like a 30% success rate, and they always look a little weird and arms get tired. I have tried SO many times to do a milkmaid braid and it always turns out terribly.


Yes - I did. Trying to look in the mirror messed me up since the movements “looked” opposite of what I wanted. My hair is fine and very straight, if I dropped a strand it would all instantly unravel. My only recommendation is to just practice, then do a mirror check.


I used to be able to do this when I had long hair. The advice I remember from the person who taught me is, Drop the middle strand. So let’s say you start with three strands of hair. Drop the middle one, now there’s one strand in each hand. Move one strand (let’s say the one in the right hand) to the left hand, so what was the middle strand is now under it. Use the right hand to grab the dropped middle strand and any hair on the right side you want to add to that strand. It’s now on the outside, on the right. When it’s good to go, drop the middle strand (which the left hand has been holding). You’ll move the other strand in the left hand to the right, grab what was the middle strand with the left hand, move it to the left, add in any other hair you want, then repeat. I never used a mirror, I think that would have confused me too much.

Does that make sense?


I did, and I do almost daily! Either one Dutch braid or two.

Dutch braids worked easier for me, rather than french braids. Where they stand up instead of lying flat? instead of taking the hair from the outside in, you go from the inside out, and doing a dutch braid I can balance it better on my hand.

(I have no idea if that makes sense)


My mom and I are going to Chicago for a long weekend this month. We’ve got tickets to see Hannah Gadsby but are otherwise open. Any suggestions for things to do, see, places to eat? We’ve both been to Chicago before and are staying downtown. @noodle? @TrisPrior?

  • I’m sure we’ll wander through Millennium Park and go see the Bean
  • I think I’d like to do an architecture/river tour. Any to recommend/avoid?
  • Neither of us really care about art
  • I’m a vegetarian and my mom doesn’t eat much meat

I saw that there is a Starbucks Roastery there and I think I’m going to book a tour or tasting or something there as a surprise for her. I know it’s not the most Chicago thing ever but she is an absolute Starbucks FIEND and would love it.


A few fine-tuning questions before I make recs: Where are you staying (what neighborhood, if you know) and how will you be traveling? Are you comfy taking trains/buses?


Thank you! We are staying just north of Millennium Park (Wacker Dr. and Michigan Ave area). We’ll be coming into town via train so won’t have a car. I’m comfortable navigating public transportation (though sometimes I’ll default to getting an uber if it’s late/complicated/my mom is tired but won’t admit it).


How can you not have deep dish pizza? Gino’s is I think what Spouse recommends.

Baseball game or other sport game?

Search on local music? Arboretum / botanical gardens?


Sadly I’m pretty sure my mom won’t eat pizza!

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I do the same thing and the ubers flow like milk and honey here so you’re in good hands. Lots to do in that area so you won’t really need to go far.

Any favorite types of cuisine you can’t get at home?