Random Questions

Apache plume, Fallugia paradoxa, or something similar


Thank you!!

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Has anyone here made custom tshirts that have held up well over time? A group I’m part of wants to make ten shirts, single color. We have no idea what process is best for good quality, long lasting shirts that won’t cost $30/shirt though. Any suggestions?

Things I have heard of: screen printing, Cricut, and … there was a third thing I think. Obviously I have no idea what I’m doing.


There are some iron-on transfers that you can print on an inkjet printer. Would not expect great longevity, but that would probably be the lowest-cost option.

There is some other process. It is for synthetic shirts only. I think. I forget the name of the machine sub something? We actually have one at the public library where I work.

I think you’re thinking of “sublimated”?


I just updated to the latest Mac Google Chrome, and my free version of AdBlockPlus is struggling.

Different browser? Different ad blocker? Additional ad blocker? give up on my silly games?


Google has rolled out some changes to Chrome that are pretty much designed to kill ad blocking.

So…I would try another browser probably. I’m on team Firefox!


It really is shocking how bad the internet is without a strong ad blocker. Not just the annoyance to me, but my machine can barely cope, and it was doing just fine (except for the power issues and the bad sector in the HD and not being able to switch off of Catalina) a week ago.


I’ve been running ad-blocking at the router level for about a year. It’s a shock when I use my laptop out of my house and see ads!


Yeah it’s such a huge power drain. I hate it. Give me back the 90s internet please!!


Ooh I keep meaning to set up Pi Hole…


So that’s why youtube figured out I have an adblocker and started refusing to show me videos unless I allowed ads! Boo, hiss, do not like.


For what it’s worth, uBlock Origin works fine in firefox.


Food safety/retail question: I bought some deli meat at the grocery store (like at the deli counter where they slice it in front of you). When I got home, I saw two dates on the package: the day it was packaged (today, of course) and the “sell-through” date–also today. This is…bad, right? I don’t see a “consume by” or “best by” date. Same for both types of meat I bought.

That doesn’t worry me as long as it smells okay and feels normal and isn’t discolored.

I view a lot of these “dates” as guidelines, not rules. I trust my senses to decide if food has gone off.

If you are worried you won’t use it up quickly enough, freeze dine of it (in serving size oortions).


I think that’s normal for deli meat! I could be wrong bc I haven’t bought it in a while. But I think they have to sell it the day they slice it up. Sell by is different than use by

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Yeah when I buy the meat at the counter where they slice it for me, the sell-by date is that day. I usually try to eat up all the meat within a week. Anything left over goes to the cats.


Thank you! That makes sense, that they have to sell it when they slice it. Just found it weird there was no expiry date. I will have to use common sense–oh well!


They use those giant roasts? Logs? Of preserved meat and they have an insane length of time before spoilage. They usually discard the first slice per day, but the sliced meat has so much more surface area and has been exposed to the blade that there’s a bigger safety issue