Random Questions

Just get er done is my vote. Enough to track during pregnancy care anyway, and too many variables to know how you’ll react. There’s like a 50% change you’ll be exhausted any day of pregnancy with or without boosters right :joy: so may as well just get it out of the way?

FYI call ahead I got turned away from my pharmacy because I was pregnant and they said my OB had to do my flu shot :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


My thought is that you would need so much helium to make a difference that there wouldn’t be room in the bag for anything else.


TRUTH :joy:

It looks like I can’t get RSV without an Rx so screw it, I’ll wait for my ON to get it in. I guess we’ll see what they do about the flu shot…


Pre Covid but I got flu and RSV together. It was fine except they did one in each arm and I wished I had done both in the same one. I’d rather have one useless (non dominant) arm than two arms that hurt. YMMV


Does anyone have a wake up light thingy like the hatch or similar? I have a specific question.

I have a momcozy light, which afaik is basically a knockoff hatch. Overall I have only one issue with it - it still glows faintly when the device is on and the light is set to off.

Does the hatch or other alternative have a mode where the sound can be on but LITERALLY NO LIGHT?

My kiddo’s eye condition makes her really light sensitive so I basically have to put it behind something to minimize her being able to see it EVEN THOUGH THE LIGHT IS FUCKING OFF and it drives me batty. Especially since I like to turn on the wake up light from outside the room, and so I want her to kind of see it when the light is SUPPOSED to be on.

A small led that could be totally blocked with a sticker would be fine

@Economista who I think has a hatch for her kiddos.


Yes! The Hatch can be sound on and no lights at all. My husband is very light sensitive and that was a requirement for us.


Ok so like if your eyes are adjusted to a pitch black room you can’t see it at all? Which version do you have?


He’d have to fill with Helium just before weighing the bag. Most luggage are not hermetic so the Helium would be slowly diffusing out during transport. Depending on the bag, that diffusion might be fairly quick assuming he’s pressurizing the inside as much as possible. Maybe if he fills with several helium balloons that would work better but also would take up a lot of space.


Yup! You can’t see it at all. I have the hatch rest 2nd gen and the 1st gen (Bluetooth version) and both of them can go completely dark.


Thank you!!


I assumed his plan was a mylar balloon filled with helium. Though i suspect the weight difference versus air isn’t significant enough to offset the weight of the luggage snd other contents.


Yep, can confirm that our hatches go completely dark but I have no idea which version we have :rofl:


I’m now told the bag would hold a dog. The dog would need air, and can’t come as a personal item for more than just weight reasons.

Looks like he won’t be traveling with a dog and some balloons.


I used to use Refresh Liquigel for my contacts. I would drop one in my contact before putting it in and then my eyes would be moist all day! Because it has a runny gel consistency it is extremely moisturizing.

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Just FYI that turning off the clock readout can be unintuitive but it’s definitely possible! I just google it when needed.

We have the 2nd gen too and I agree that it goes completely dark so you can’t see it at all in a dark room.


Yes. I have both the current gen hatch and the original, both are truly pitch black. We sleep in there with it too sometimes.

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Oh that’s not too bad!

Doggo (is it a wolf?) with oxygen tank and personsl luggage size heat pump/air con (paw operated) and food and water. Tiny helium welcome baby balloons in a bigger bag all around. Some kind of grate system for air


Does anyone know what this plant is? These weird flowers are on a bush about 5 feet tall. I kind of want one.