Random Questions

Seconding Oro - the only way I got my eShakti refund issues resolved was credit card chargeback. I’m also not ordering from them again cuz it was a major pain.


It’s been more than 60 days so I may already have waited too long. Boo! Last time I eventually got the dress and also a $25 credit for my next purchase. I’m so sad! I have 3 dresses from them- 1 is fine (it’s on me, I picked a weird design) and 2 are fabulous and get me a million compliments. I’m 4’11" with shoulders 2 sizes smaller than my hips so my choices are limited in the dress buying arena.


Yeah they used to be good and reliable! I rec’d them to trans folks all the time because it was made to measure. Such a bummer.


Update! Chase says they will credit my account, :crossed_fingers: they actually do. And hopefully your friends and I will find other sources for dresses. (I think I actually first heard about it from a trans lady on the forums.)



I think sometimes they go by last contact, proof of trying here. But IDK the details. Just always got my money by credit card or threatening


Fingers crossed! Chase has been really, really good with chargebacks. I’ve done them a couple of times and never had any issues.


Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear about the issues you’ve had with eShakti and also sad that I won’t be able to order from then anymore. I’ve had some really great orders from them through the years and I found them to be a reliable source for quality items.


I’m kind of in mourning! So sad! I always get compliments and I really wanted that to just be my wardrobe going forward. Alas.


Yeah, I am feeling the loss on eShakti. I felt like I just ordered from them (successfully) but I looked back at my e-mails and my last order was December 2022. Time flies.


I used to love them too and also got burned by an order about a year ago. It really sucks! There’s nobody like them, at least that I’ve found yet, and they made some of my most favoritest clothes.


So I just discovered that a small chunk of our garage siding came off…is this something I can fix myself? Or do I need to call someone? If it matters, our garage is attached to the house on one side, but this is on the opposite side.

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I would put it back on, with glue and a screw or nail.

I’m curious about why it fell off. Do you have any ideas?


The fence next to it is sagging and so the gate requires a lot of force to close. I’m guessing since the siding is wedged against the fence, one good shove just popped it off. That’s my best guess at least :woman_shrugging:


Good, it’s not water damage or something like that.

If you want help with the fence/ gate let me know.


Thanks so much!! We’ll see how this goes but may take you up on that :sweat_smile:

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My home office/craft room has a partially sloped ceiling. Is there an app that will let me put in measurements and play around with different configurations of furniture while automatically taking into account ceiling height?


Does anyone have dry or computer screen strained eyes? What drops you you like? I don’t want to try a bunch to find a good one if I don’t have to.

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I use Systane gel drops.



My kid asked me for a packed lunch this morning as we were shoes on going out the door, I told him it was way too late for that. I said we could do it for tomorrow though, what does he want. “Anything random, but not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” One, way to call me out on my go to, child. Two, I do have an idea for actual lunch but he said “anything random” and I’m going to the grocery store this morning. What random shit should I do?

Actual lunch idea: a couple chicken nuggets, cheese stick, pickles, crackers.


Would he like a grown up version of lunchables? Like some crackers, grapes, pepperoni slices, cheese etc?