Random Questions

I have lots of sunflowers! Still need more birds. I was thinking of getting a bird feeder but not sure what kind.


“Partial remains”?


If my back and front yards are beset by mosquitos but I rent and also live next door to an urban bamboo forest, is there anything that can be done? Note: I do not believe in citronella.

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Bat boxes? Bats eat mozzies.


Do you believe in thermacell’s?

They seem to be effective for us. I don’t know if they are citronella based.

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Powerful fans.


Fans. Mosquitos are bad at flying!


Fans sound great but what if I want to garden?? Do I just…drag a fan out with me on an extension cord? Lol


There is one on the house next door! Not a bad idea tbh

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I wonder if a small rechargeable fan would work?

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I believe in the fan and thermacell life


Uhhh I mean my usual answer is “accept that I will be bitten up”

But long sleeves, bug spray, and also those goofy looking mesh face covers (goes over a hat and then covers your whole head and neck) are what I actually do.

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I SHOULD get a goofy mesh face cover for DH tbh. He is usually the Tomato Waterer and skitos like him more than me

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How many Covid shots have you all received?

I received three and stopped after that. I’m not opposed to the shots. I just haven’t got around to getting more.

Some people on another forum have eight.

I haven’t had Covid yet to my knowledge. DH had it at least once.


I’ve started pairing it with my annual flu shot. I think I’m up to five or six? Maybe 7? But I stopped tracking it, just get it in the fall.

(had covid - I think once? And skipped it last year when husband had it but I’d got a shot three weeks prior)


Yeah, that’s where I’m at. I just get it in the Fall with the flu shot. I’ve gotten all the possible shots so far and have had COVID twice (dang it, Husband with a public facing job!). Round 2 was less awful than round 1, but I’ve still got lingering long COVID stuff rattling around.


I think 4? Maybe 5. And I’ve had Covid twice. I figure at this point I’ll boost it each fall, with flu.


I had 2. Back then, we needed 2 doses in order to get our official ‘proof of vaccination’ and be able to do stuff like going to restaurants and travel. I don’t plan on getting more. I got COVID last december and honestly it wasn’t that bad. I had a big cold 2 months after that was way worse :joy:

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How would I do a whole poster, or community group text on that? Like “trying to help owner to give closure after partial remains found. Pet cat. Black fur, white front paws”?


Every single one they would give me as a member of a couple of high-risk groups. Maybe eight? I’ve had covid more than once, but then I have a lot of public exposure to teenagers who are pretty sure they’re immortal. I have not died, and that’s still sort of a surprise. I’ll be getting the updated version as soon as it’s available.