Random Questions

My tomatoes are overcrowded so some layers aren’t getting the light to ripen (one molded before ripening). Should I pick green/yellow?

NB we also mostly aren’t tomato people.

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Are you pickle people?

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If they have even a hit of pink or yellow, they will (eventually) ripen on a window sill, or layered in newspaper in a box in the basement (so you can pick now).


I am a pickled cucumber, hot pepper, onion, and a few others person. There are a few dishes we will eat them in and we will cook some down to sauce which we do eat

ETA G always waxes poetic about growing tomatoes and peppers but didn’t have time. The children planted a grow bag of each for Father’s day with child sized helpings of seeds. The tomatoes responded accordingly. The peppers took offence at their soil being repeatedly added to the water table


Peppers are dramatic whiny plants, from my experience. (I have probably gotten 0.025 ounces of consumable peppers over several years of gardening.)


I have the opposite experience, our peppers are mass producers. Absolutely bonkers


Growing peppers in Canada means starting them the first minute frost has passed and hoping their fruit develops before frost comes back.
It’s a race that can’t always be won.

Elle, I had an indoor pepper plant that cheerfully produced tiny hot peppers for years. If G’s office gets enough light maybe that could be his father’s day gift next year?


Or even a white star on their bottom. Will they be the best tomatoes ever? Maybe not, but they will ripen.


It gets lots of light. I should show you his plant graveyard. It does not get enough water.


Same here, pepper is the best harvest in my kitchen garden.

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I have seen very few birds in the last week. Are they migrating early this year? Everything else has been strange weather-wise, so I guess it might make sense? I miss them though.


Many birds do begin migration in August. That’s typical, not just this year. At least where I live in one of the northern states.

I belong to a local chapter of the Feminist Bird Club and they always hold their fall migration event in August. I had to miss it but it was last weekend.


I’m in Michigan. I guess I just thought they left later. I’ve really enjoyed sitting on my porch watching them this summer.


I’m in NY and have definitely seen birds starting to migrate! But early August migrations are pretty normal afaik.

One thing is that our summer birds fly north and then our winter birds show up, and those timelines don’t always sync up.


Yeah, I have hardly any right now and it’s a little weird. And I miss them.

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I am plagued by grasshoppers and wasps. I live in Denver. What kind of birds am I trying to attract to my yard, and what do those birds like?


I recommend sunflowers if you like goldfinches.

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I have 6 Corelle coffee cups I use as little fruit/soup/side serving dishes. Their shape and size are handy. Got ‘em at Goodwill.

I also have ordered, from eBay, used Corelle soup bowls to go with my vintage dishes because the dish pattern don’t come in a bowl the shape and size I like.

My company wants to hire a director of R&D. We are noticing a lack of female candidates and really want to widen the pool. If you know of someone in your circle who might do a great job, could you DM me their linked in? Or whatever way you want to indicate them to me. Or also any recs on where to post the job posting is cool too!

Grim question involving pet death

We have coyotes in our area, and we found a cat’s paws/ legs behind our back fence in an alley. There’s obviously not enough of the cat left to go to a vet and get a microchip check or anything like that. Is there a way to phrase it that isn’t absolutely awful and shocking to read, to put up signs describing the parts that are there in case someone is looking for their pet? I would love to help someone get closure, but I really don’t know any appropriate way to phrase that. Obviously I’ll be on the lookout for lost pet posters and all, but wasn’t sure if anyone had any ideas. Breaking my heart.