Random Questions

Soup bowl is the right word but young uns do all kinds of crazy things. Corelle has them, and IKEA has rimless ones.


And I want to throw my wedding china at my ex’s head, so, you know, call 'em what you want.


They have places where you do that and then they clean up




ooh I’ve been to one of those places. several times. it felt good.


What do all you biking people wear on your face and feet when it’s rainy?

And what do you wear when it’s hot AND rainy? I wore my raincoat and it was ok but I’m sweaty.

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Feet: showers pass shoe covers
Face: nothing, but I bring a hand towel in my bag to dry off when I get there. I also do not have glasses to keep dry

In my climate it’s not often both hot and rainy, but in general lightweight rain shells over layers for warmth help with temperature management.

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I have a large synthetic area rug that I bought two years ago. ($200 at Costco, to give you the picture of what I’m talking about.)

It is gross. Has anyone successfully cleaned an area rug? What method did you use? I do have access to a large concrete patio I can use for the project, as well as a clothesline.

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I’ve pressure washed outdoor rugs with great success.


in the past I’ve used a carpet cleaner


It’s actually an indoor rug, sorry I wasn’t clear- I just meant I have space outdoors to clean it!

Like the kind that you can rent? Did you take it outside or just leave it in place?

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um might be similar? it was one owned by a family member. I left it in place.


I use the green one we have for potty training etc. takes forever

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I’ve rented those before and had great and horrifying results in my indoor rugs and carpet.

Just do it inside, but you could have it finish drying outside if you want.


I want to car pool my kid with my neighbors kid to school (in theory we’re in walking range, in reality that’s never gonna happen in the mornings). I figure I’m doing that drive twice a day anyway, why do two cars for two kids when they’re literally next door. Both of those parents work, I don’t. We’re friendly. I give them Kiddo’s hand me downs for their kid (saves me a trip to Goodwill or dealing with Buy Nothing coordination).

But I don’t know if they would feel like they should pay me if I did all the driving or if we should take turns diving to keep it equal. I don’t care about being paid, this is more about me wanting to community build and I think car-oriented culture is dumb. So after all that rambling, I guess my question is how can I not make this awkward?


If you suggest it, I doubt the default would be to pay. But maybe ask if they can do 2 mornings a week or 2 afternoons so that it is a shared arrangement?

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I don’t know how to make it non-awkward except to say that it probably won’t be as awkward as you are imagining.

But I do want to say (and I will delete this later for privacy reasons) that I used to work in Safe Routes to School-- which focused on improving safety for students who walk and bike to school and encouraging them to do so. A surprisingly large percentage of the safety issues at many schools that I was asked to help with were caused by other parents who were arriving by car, getting caught in school arrival and dismissal traffic, and then making unsafe choices out of traffic-related frustration. So I just want to commend you for anything you can do to reduce the number of cars that arrive at your kid’s school, such as by car-pooling!



I think if you frame it like you did here: “I’m going anyway, I’d love to give your kid a ride,” then it won’t be awkward! If you are 100% sure they’re also anti car then maybe don’t bring that up?


I also work in traffic, and yes more kids get driven because it’s not safe / it’s not safe because of all the cars taking kids to school.

I am also pleased with the carpooling to get one car out of the school loop.

Sell it that way? One less car in the loop makes it safer for all the kids?