Random Questions

Costco frozen pizza, Costco bagged salad, apple and banana!

Wahooo living the convenience life.


I bought the steam mop in 2018! And then haven’t used it for years, until recently. I don’t remember when I stopped using it at my old house but I know I didn’t use it at all at the house I just moved out of. Maybe it has had two years of use? The old house had no real hardwood, just the fake hardwoods and the vinyl/linoleum, I don’t know. My last house had real wood like I have in this rental, but I never used it there like I said. It does say it’s safe for hardwoods and tile, it doesn’t mention the plastic stuff.

All that to say, I don’t know if I’m a steam mop person for sure, I just want something that works well and doesn’t involve a bucket and I probably bought the steam mop originally because I didn’t want to have to constantly buy refill bottles and pads like with with a Swiffer wet jet. I don’t remember for sure, I just know I was probably being cheap. :smiley:


Google say no for vinyl, yes for linoleum. I suppose I could ask my landlord what we have.


True linoleum isn’t very common these days, vinyl is much more common.

We have hardwood floors and a lease which stipulates we are not allowed to use steam mops.

We clean our hardwoods with bona spray and a washable mop pad. And unfortunately I can’t help you otherwise because we still use mop and bucket for our kitchen and bathroom floors which are vinyl.


I use this Bona Multi-Surface Floor Premium Spray Mop - no bucket and mop, and I like that the pads are reusable. It probably doesn’t deep clean as well as a steam mop, but works for my level of caring.


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Don’t listen to the haters. Steam mops for life.


I tried the vinegar thing. I’m not sure it worked. :frowning: But since I had the vinegar out, I cleaned my coffee maker. Feeling virtuous about that.


I have a spray mop with removable pads and I love it. We used them at the gym I worked at and they were so good I got one for home. It’s a good enough mop 98% of the time In my

This is the one I have it is great


Also don’t use steam mops on LVP, spoken as someone who has seen them warped by that


It’s so cheap! And it includes three reusable pads? That’s great! Thanks.

I did use the steam mop on LVP in my last rental, somewhere between the years 2018-2020ish. Ooops. I haven’t had that kind of flooring since January 2022 though.

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Is there a low or no fragrance Swiffer kind of thing out there? There are cobwebs all over the garage and I get rid of them with a branch but really I should be wiping down surfaces. And I am looking for disposable wipes because there are some pretty gross spots.

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I know you said disposable wipes, but if you have rags, I just tuck those into the swiffer grippy points and spray with a white vinegar and water solution


That’s an idea! Do they hold well?


Usually I did rhis all the time before I had a spray mop (which is also a solution to your issue)

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The mop would get so gross in my garage :joy:

It’s full of spiders and dead bugs.

I mean all the parts that would get gross are washable


Stuff that is covered in dead bugs and mouse droppings and whatever else I want to use gloves and tools to move them straight into the trash and not ever think about it again :joy:

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Paper towels work too


Yep, just fine in my experience

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I don’t think they’ll be as effective if I want to “mop” the whole garage floor…

I would do a big sweep first and only after that use the sweeper type thing.

Or you could use a leaf blower to clear out debris like my husband.