Random Questions

I’ve done English to English translations for the tablet to read out loud and also provide spelling for Kiddo.


Thank you guys!

Is there a topic for remodeling brainstorming? If not would anyone be interested in a thread to bounce ideas on floor plans and material choices and cost estimates?

We might be moving forward with a smallish bathroom/closet remodel sooner than anticipated!

@lhamo @aaronpk @Ferngully @plainjane


There’s this older thread, but I don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for: Renovating sustainably - The Big Money Playpen - Oh My Dollar

I’d be interested in a new thread if you start one! We might end up doing a smallish bathroom remodel at some point.


Ooh a chance to opine with no responsibility for consequences? I’d love to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


We just remodeled 2 bathrooms about a year and a half ago but it was not carefully planned or thought out :joy:, not did we work with a well-organized contractor. But it got done before the baby came and nothing has leaked so far.

Following to opine without any responsibilities.


Very random -

For those of you who lift weights and do deadlift, hip thrust, or squats, which is your heaviest lift?

My husband and I disagree (based on anecdotal evidence from ourselves and the people we know), but I’m convinced it’s mostly gender related / due to what we focus on in our workouts.


Mine is deadlift but I’ve never tried weighted hip thrusts. My husband’s heaviest is hip thrusts.

ETA - I just asked him and his heaviest hip thrust was 755# and he weighed 178#.


Dude, that’s impressive!

The most I’ve gotten off the ground was 415#. I’m still working back up to that.


I mean, he was living at the olympic training center and was a full time athlete. At this point in life there is no way he could do that much :rofl:


I suppose that does make a big difference :sweat_smile: I am fitting my workouts in over my lunch break at work and while my kids play video games on the weekends, obviously I don’t get to hip thrust 700 lbs!


What’s a good cd interest rate now? I think my bank has 5% for 7 months and I have one maturing next week so I was going to just open a new one?


Vanguard has some at 5.45%, but that’s one of the highest I’ve seen. 5% for 7 months sounds pretty good, especially if it’s at a bank you already use.


Mine was always deadlift. I love deadlift :joy: but seriously my PR on deadlift was always like twice my squat. But yeah I’ve also never tried weighted hip thrusts.


That’s because deadlift is the best :slight_smile:

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Knew I liked you.

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Does anyone have experience getting insurance through a broker instead of an agent tied to a specific company? How did you pick? Does yours provide any services/support if you have a claim like an agent might? Do you pay them a fee or are they just paid commission by the insurance co? Thankssssss!


I have had the same broker for probably 20 years and they have been great. I was “sold” to them when my agent retired, so I didn’t actually go looking for them. They have worked with me to change my carrier I think three times to less expensive ones when I’ve asked, and one time even contacted me out of the blue to tell me I could save a lot of money by switching. I’m sure they work on commission like independent agents, but they are very willing to be helpful in my experience. I don’t pay a fee. When I had a claim I called the carrier directly.


Back in the days when my Gym was still open :confounded: it was the deadlift


Does a service exist where I tell them what kind of trip I want and the balance of all my credit card/airline/hotel …etc points and then they make it happen?

I’ve been trying to understand travel hacking through reading many articles and forums and I don’t know if it’s fear of fucking up or what, but it’s like my brain cannot process anything more complicated than the most simple “exchange points for straight forward cash equivalent”.