Random Questions

I really like most of Jane Yolen’s books! But she does have an EXTREMELY wide range (350 titles, from the “How does a Dinosaur…” books through the Dragons Blood YA trilogy) so, ymmv.

I think the first book I read by her was The Devil’s Arithmetic, during Holocaust week in 8th grade. Definitely made an impression.


That’s where I know her name from! Thank you, that was bugging me.


But that sounds like old people phrasing.

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Ummmm I LOVE this use of AI!!


HMMM so probably not her BUT what the AI described does sound right, so that’s frustrating. I don’t remember there being a dad at all. Bah, the search may continue.


If you DM specifically on Tuesday during working hours (so I don’t forget) I will email this description to the reader’s advisory team and see if anyone knows it.


If you haven’t already, you can tell chatgpt that that’s not quite right and ask it to try again but this time look for a grandmother instead of a father…depending on what you’re looking for, you sometimes have to make the same request a few times or with additional details/specifics of what it got wrong

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Is this it? (https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthatbook/comments/pp601s/searching_for_a_book_i_remember_about_a_floating/)


I’m on Android but I’ve been a million times happier since I switched to Business Calendar 2. It still uses Google Calendar but the interface is different. I even paid a few dollars to upgrade to the Pro version! If it’s available on Apple I’d take a look.

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WYSTERIA. YES. BIRD! I’m pretty sure that’s it those all sound super familiar. Thank you!!!


Some news and a question! Lol.

We have done some home equity math, and just might be able to move to a more walkable neighborhood closer to our friends. My house has some deferred maintenance and low hanging fruit for improvements, and we live in a neighborhood where houses the size of mine will go for anywhere from $650K to $1.2m. How can I figure out which investments in the house will pay for themselves if we sell our house?


I think a good realtor could answer that question for you! If you want my friends info let me know. She’s amazing and we ask her those kids of questions all the time, and she never pressures us to start selling or anything.


Calling parents of kids with disabilities or librarians!!

@Bracken_Joy @BiblioFeroz @RamonaQ @Greyweld off the top of my head

Tiny Nephew (4.5 years old-- neurodivergent with cerebral palsy) can read and spell like a champion. But his eyesight is worse than either his doctors or his parents realized until now. He has to hold books directly at his nose to read them and struggles to see.
He has glasses but they are not fully correcting his sight and it’s unclear how much can be corrected or how much is low vision that will just be part of his life.

I’d love love love recommendations for LARGE print kids books! High contrast reading and spelling materials? Stuff like that. He’s a spelling wiz and loves words and letters. :smiley:



I’ve had an (adult) client use this service, they sent them large print books via mail. Unsure if they do kids books though.


My first thought was to look at “big books” - picture books that are oversized, usually for use in a classroom or at a library storytime. They are probably 2-3x the size of a regular picture book. Several of the public libraries I know will loan them out (though some keep them for in-library use only or don’t have them at all.)

Your state probably has a Library for the Blind - which probably has books in Braille and audiobooks but might also have some books for people with low vision.

There are some kids books available in an actual “Large Print” format, but most of those I see are chapter books for older kids.


I can’t think of any off the top of my head but any thoughts on a kid friendly tablet or e-reader? We do some ebooks on my tablet so we can zoom waaay in.

My blind adult friend recommends iPad for accessibility but idk if something more single function like a kids kindle thingy would be more appropriate?


Also tag @Economista


If the parents are interested in maybe doing a tablet, we are generally an Android household but got an older model iPad for Kiddo and they are clutch at being able to lock everything down. I did a Best Buy Geek Squad session in store to have someone talk me through how to do what I wanted to do because everything online was either for people who never touched technology or people who wanted to hack the mainframe Matrix-style and nothing really in the middle for me as someone who is tech savvy but just in a different UI.


iPads have some incredible accessibility software on them too, you don’t have to add any specialty apps for lots of accessibility features.


Kindle fire locked to just kindle/overdrive was great for my relative who needed large print for other reasons. My library ebooks include kids books.

Also go in the back of a senior’s magazine and order stuff like full page magnifiers and wallet magnifiers maybe?

Tiny nephew is KILLING it on reading and spelling