Random Questions

Assuming everything has HDMI, Wizard suggests an HDMI splitter (plus any extra HDMI cables you may need).

He says some splitters have a button to switch between systems, while others switch automatically; you may prefer the latter

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Back of tv has HDMI and usb.

Looking up HDMI hubs now.

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What do the game systems have?

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I have my Google calendar set to no alert by default. When I set up a new event, it has no alert. But then it changes the alert to 30 minutes before. I have watched the alert change with no input from me.

How do I get it to not do that?

FWIW, I’m entering events via the calendar app on my iPhone.


Does anyone have a firesafe to recommend? Husband wants one for our important docs/maybe some jewelry. I don’t trust the ones I’m seeing on Amazon.

I’ve got a SentrySafe 1100, but it’s as much for corralling docs as anything else…I want to say it’s watertight and rated for something like 1200F for half an hour which I figure is good enough, but if you’re worried about more than (or for protecting from people–pretty sure I could get this open with an angle grinder if I needed to) something like a safe deposit box might be better.

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Going to be selling our 12 year old Toyota minivan and not sure how to price it. Engine and body are all good but one sliding door broke this week and won’t open (fixable for an indeterminate amount of money maybe $500-1000?) and the e-brake is disconnected due to rust ($$$$ to fix but not required for passing inspection in our state). Would you say that makes it poor, fair, or good condition? I’ve never sold a car with issues before.

Dealer offered us $1500 trade-in which just feels so low that it makes me want to give it away or something because screw them for low-balling me but maybe that’s what it’s worth since it’s a bit broken?


Go to Edmonds or Blue Book and put in the make model, etc. and get estimates for the lower two conditions and see where it is relative to what you were offered. I don’t know where you are, but in AZ in some circles a minivan that runs would be sold quickly as a camper conversion.


Also check Carvana and Carmax to see how much they will offer.

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Complete anecdata, but in 2017 my dad got $3,000 in trade-in value for our 19 year old Honda Odyssey that had major engine issues (like, it ran, but in a “don’t take this on the highway” kinda way). To be fair, my dad did do some sweet-talking because he was also initially lowballed, but yeah, $1500 in your ase definitely seems super low.


We’ve been keeping an eye on prices for our floundering dodge caravan. You should get more than $1500, but dealerships are calculating scrap value or purchase plus repairs and detailing times 2.

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What the hell do all these people on the socials mean by being “soft”???




I’m trying to remember a book. There’s a little girl who lives with an old lady in an old house and runs errands for her. Wears heavy shoes and isn’t allowed out when the wind blows. I think she meets up with a boy who convinced her to take off the shoes? And it turns out she’s a bird? Something like that. Weird and could be a sort story or a book, I have no idea. It’s been probably 20 years since I’ve read it and I’m trying to figure out what it was.


Gentle, flexible, forgiving, warm, that sort of thing? The opposite of someone being “hard”.


I asked my resident Social Media Expert, aka, one of my teens, and she said it depends on the context. So that didn’t help, sorry. But if you’d like to provide more context, she’s still available for consultation.


People who are birds makes me think of Miss Peregrine?

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It isn’t, but for some reason your answer made me realize I could ask ChatGPT. Here’s what it said-

The wild thing is that Latte currently has us reading a book a ton where the authors last name is Yolen :open_mouth: so I wonder if deep in my brain that’s why I thought of the book today?!? Not 100% positive it’s the right book but it sure sounds like it. I’d have to read it to be sure.

AI wins this round.


True, the other main context I’ve seen with it is as in “someone has gone soft” or “your generation is soft”. In that context, disparaging and related to not having grit or resilience is my understanding.


Jane Yolen has written a ton

her website says - An original fairy tale, this story is about a girl whose overprotective father tries to keep her from all things wicked, unhappy, trying, or real. At last the wind blows in over the garden wall and woos her, taking her into the ever-changing world.

a goodreads review says ‘Determined to protect his beloved only child, a wealthy merchant named Danina builds a splendid palace for her by the sea. Here she is protected from all danger, surrounded by beauty, and tended by servants who are always pleasant. But one day, the wind - who is “not always kind” - finds Danina, and sings to her of the wide world beyond the palace walls, where the days are sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but always different.’

So perhaps not. But Yolen would have written a beautiful story about that premise.