Random Questions

May I also have the recipe for rhubarb squares? I have rhubarb and not enough tasty things to make with it :slight_smile:


last year she did the recipe in this article: Icebox cake fans mourn the loss of Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers : NPR

she struggled to figure out correct thickness and she thought it would have been better to refrigerate overnight before cutting. my mom suggested rolling it in wax paper to help shape the log before putting it into the fridge.

My mom also found a reasonably contemporary betty crocker recipe in her cookbooks but it was for brown sugar cookies instead of chocolate and she almost always just went straight to the package.


So uh - @plainjane & @chaskavitch , I realized while I was out driving that my cookbooks haven’t been unpacked yet.

So, yes I’ll happily share, but unfortunately it won’t be in a timely manner (And will definitely be too late for your event this weekend)


May I also put myself on the list for this recipe when it surfaces?

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Need ideas for an outdoor play surface. Basically very little of my yard is comfy for baby to sit on so I would just like to have something for her.

Requirements are it needs to be heavy enough to stay put and I want to be able to clean it by spraying it with a hose.

Somewhat cheap is good too.


Does it need to be permanent? I just plop out a comforter.


I put down a picnic blanket that has some plastic material on the underside so it doesn’t matter if it rained recently or w/e. But now he barely sits bc walking is cooler


I’m mostly trying to acknowledge that I know myself and will not pick it up and don’t want a comforter sitting outside molding lol.

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Yes, this. The crawling and early walking days were the worst for going outside because baby didn’t want to stay in the prepared area and was then also if there were ouchies. Things got much better when she was a bona fide walker.


What about a wading pool (or two) - one with sand, one with water?

Outdoor rug? Astroturf?


I can’t remember how old Mo is but the wading pool might be good to contain a crawling baby. Crawling babies are SO HARD to take outside! I thought last Little League season would never end, trying to keep the cuckoo from eating grass and crawling all over it. And sand would add interest.


Yeah I want to get a sandbox eventually but we are currently in the eating everything phase and I don’t really want her eating sand.

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I like the astroturf idea actually.


Mo is a big fan of pull to stand though- IME this means heads first flip out of kiddie pool.


Ahhh, they all present their own challenges, don’t they?


As I was left to my own devices I ended up with the smitten kitchen rhubarb snacking cake.

It received positive feedback


Seeing a friend for dinner tonight and she said I could bring dessert. Since rhubarb went well on Saturday (to the extent that my mom kept all the leftovers instead of sending some home with me - I snagged a couple of pieces while she wasn’t looking), I decided to make it with peaches and slightly less sugar in the fruit layer.

And now it is on the bench taunting me. I really want to cut into it now.

I guess I should add a question - is it better to transport in the glass baking dish, or move it to a tupperware? tupperware seems very informal for first visit to new condo.


I would transport in the glass dish with foil over the top. Desserts look so good when they’re whole and right there… taunting you… asking you to dig into them…


If it will transport well, I’d stay in the baking dish. Or put the dish into big big tupperware


If you move it into Tupperware, a small piece missing is less noticeable…